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Google Cloud Search DropBox Connector

The Google Cloud Search DropBox Connector is a DropBox Connector that uses the Google Cloud Search SDK. It allows you to search data stored in DropBox using Google Cloud Search.

  • Using Google Cloud Search, you can search your data with high speed, high accuracy, and intuitively.
  • Users only see search results for content they have access to.
  • Google Cloud Search is available if you are using Google Workspace Business and Enterprise editions.
  • This connector implements the graph traversal strategy provided by the Content Connector SDK.
  • Before running the DropBox content connector, you must map the principals used in DropBox to identities in the Google Cloud Identity service.

Build instructions

Building this connector requires the following development tools:

  • Java SE Development Kit (JDK) version 1.8.0_20 or greater
  • Apache Maven version 3.3.0 or greater.
  1. Install the Google Cloud Search SDK

    For more details, please refer to this GitHub page.

  2. Build this DropBox Connector

    a. Build the ZIP file:

    mvn package

    (To skip the tests when building the connector, use mvn package -DskipTests)

    this command creates a ZIP file containing the connector and its dependencies with a name like

  3. Install the connector

    a. Copy the ZIP file to the location where you want to install the connector.

    b. Unzip the connector ZIP file. A directory with a name like google-cloudsearch-dropbox-connector-1.0.0 will be created.

    c. Change into this directory. You should see the connector jar file, google-cloudsearch-dropbox-connector-1.0.0.jar, as well as a lib directory containing the connector's dependencies.

  4. Configure the connector

    a. Create a file containing the connector configuration parameters.

    Example: "my.config"

    • api.sourceId: the ID of the data source to synchronize the data with.

    • api.identitySourceId: the ID of a Cloud Identity source.

    • api.customerId: the google customer ID.

    • api.serviceAccountKey: path to JSON file containing the credentials of a service account that can access the Google APIs.

    • dropbox.credentialFile: path to JSON file containing the credentials that can access the Dropbox APIs.

      Example: "my-app.json"

         "access_token": <ACCESS_TOKEN>,
         "app_key": <APP_KEY>,
         "app_secret": <APP_SECRET>
      • Preferably, access token expiration is "no expiration". Otherwise, the connector will stop processing during operation.
    • dropbox.teamMemberIds: List of team member IDs to be processed. The default is an empty string.

  5. Run the connector

    The connector should be run from the unzipped installation directory, not the source code's target directory.

    a. Run the Identity connector

    Identity connectors are used to map your enterprise's identities and group rosters to the Google accounts and groups used by Google Cloud Search.

    java \
       -jar google-cloudsearch-dropbox-connector-1.0.0.jar \
       --identity \

    Where my.config is the configuration file containing the parameters for the connector execution.

    Note: If the configuration file is not specified, a default file name of will be assumed.

    b. Run the Content connector

    Content connectors are used to traverse a repository and index the data so that Google Cloud Search can effectively search that data.

    java \
       -jar google-cloudsearch-dropbox-connector-1.0.0.jar \
       --dropbox \