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BlackBerry target setup guide

Kasoki edited this page Aug 13, 2012 · 2 revisions

First you'll need to install the BlackBerry NDK with the nme setup tool, to do that just open a terminal window and enter:

nme setup blackberry

This will download the NDK, after that the installer will appear (remember the path you've selected!). When the installation is finished the setup-tool will ask you for the NDK-path. If you have a BlackBerry device set it up now with the "nme" command line tool.

Use the Simulator

This is currently not working on Windows 8

Download the BlackBerry Playbook Simulator here and install VMWare Player (if you're on Windows) or VMWare Fusion (if you're on OS X, this will cost you around 50 bucks). After you've downloaded the Simulator install it and navigate to the folder where you've installed it. There should now be a VMWare Player/Fusion file (if you're on Windows or OS X) run it.

You should now see something like this:

VMWare Fusion running BlackBerry Playbook Simulator

press on the "Developer button":

Developer button

and write down the IP-Address. Open the terminal again and enter:

nme setup blackberry

Don't reinstall the NDK, don't change the path and choose to configure the simulator settings. Now you just need to enter the IP-Adress and you can run Apps in the Blackberry simulator with

nme test app.nmml blackberry -simulator