The nix home manager configuration i use is my never-ending journey to keep things smooth and fun.
This is my personal best practice how to install Nix Home Manager on all Linux distributions, except immutable distributions.
If you are using an immutable distribution, visit here.
Choose single-user installation, run:
sh <(curl -L --no-daemon . /home/$USER/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/
For more information, visit
Add Home Manager channel, run:
nix-channel --add home-manager nix-channel --update
In the Nix ecosystem, which includes the Nix Home Manager, a channel refers to a method for managing and distributing collections of Nix packages and configurations. Channels are essentially repositories of Nix expressions that define both packages and configurations. These channels are regularly updated, allowing users to subscribe to them to receive the latest updates. The mentioned command adds a channel named "home-manager", indicating that any package installed through this channel will be updated to the latest version available, as per the unstable branch listed on For the channel called “nixgl”, you can visit here.
Run the Home Manager installation command and create the first Home Manager generation:
nix-shell '<home-manager>' -A install echo ". /home/$USER/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/" | tee -a ~/.bashrc > /dev/null source ~/.bashrc
Check home.nix configuration, run:
cat ~/.config/home-manager/home.nix
Visit configuration example, how to use home-manager
The installed packages include command line interface, language server protocol, formatter, and some plugins of the package itself.
- act - Run GitHub Actions locally
- alacritty - A cross-platform OpenGL terminal emulator
- angular-language-server - LSP for Angular
- asciiquarium-transparent - Aquarium/sea animation in ASCII art
- astyle - Formatter for C, C++, C++/CLI, Objective-C, C#, and Java
- bat - Alternative to
- bash-language-server - LSP for Bash
- beautysh - Formatter for Shell
- bun - Javascript runtime, bundler, test runner, and package manager
- btop - A monitor of resources
- cmus - Console music player for Unix-like operating systems
- curl - Tool and library to transfer data (with c-ares and gsasl features)
- direnv - Unclutter your .profile
- dockerfile-language-server-nodejs - LSP for Dockerfile
- duf - Disk usage or free utility. A better
- editorconfig - Enforces consistent coding styles across editors and IDEs
- exiftool - Meta information reader or writer
- eza - A modern alternative to
- fastfetch - Neofetch like system information tool
- fd - Alternative to
- file - Shows the type of files
- firebase - Firebase CLI
- fish - User friendly command line shell
- fishPlugins.autopair - Auto complete matching pairs in the fish command line
- fzf - Command line fuzzy finder
- gnuplot - Portable command line driven graphing utility for many platforms
- gcloud - Google Cloud CLI
- id3v2 - Command line editor for id3v2 tags
- java - Open-source Java Development Kit
- jdt-language-server - LSP for Java
- jq - Lightweight and flexible command line JSON processor
- lazydocker - The lazier way to manage everything docker
- lazygit - Terminal UI for git commands
- lmstudio - Run local LLMs
- lua - Lualang!
- minify - Web formats minifier
- neovim - You gotta know this, right?
- ng - Angular CLI
- nginx-language-server - LSP for nginx.conf
- nil - Yet another LSP for Nix
- nixgl - A wrapper tool for Nix OpenGL application
- nix-prefetch-git - Script used to obtain source hashes for fetchgit
- nixfmt-rfc-style - Formatter for Nix
- nodejsBin - Event-driven I/O framework for the V8 Javascript engine
- nodePackages.prettier - Prettier is an opinionated code formatter
- nodePackages.vls - LSP for Vue
- noisetorch - Virtual microphone device with noise supression for PulseAudio
- pnpm - Fast, disk space efficient package manager
- podman-compose - Implementation of docker-compose with podman backend
- ripgrep - Searcher with the raw speed of grep
- rustup - Rust toolchain installer
- rust-analyzer - Modular compiler frontend for the Rust language
- rustfmt - Formatter for Rust
- shellcheck - Shell script analysis tool
- stylua - Formatter for Lua
- sqlite - Small and fast SQL database engine
- tokei - Count your code quickly
- trash-cli - Command line interface to the trashcan
- typescript - Javascript with syntax for types
- typescript-language-server - LSP for Typescript using tsserver
- ueberzugpp - Draw images on terminal
- vscode-langservers-extracted - LSP extracted from Vscode for HTML/CSS/JSON/ESLint
- yamlfmt - Formatter for YAML
- yaml-language-server - LSP for YAML
- yazi - Terminal file manager
- yt-dlp - Command line tool to download videos from Youtube and other sites