This library is intended to provide an easy way to work with libSQL vectors which are used by providers like Turso. This library works in a similar way to pgvector-go, which this code has been adapted from.
Typically vectors in databases (like those provided by pgvector) take the format of an array of floating points, e.g. UPDATE table SET embedding = '[1,2,3]'
However the vectors in libSQL must be wrapped in a vector()
function, e.g. UPDATE table SET embedding = vector('[1,2,3]')
which means that most other database vector libraries are incompatible.
Get the library:
go get
Then import it:
import (
If you're using gorm, you want to instead import the gorm variant which is held as a separate package:
import (
You can then use the type in your models:
type Product struct {
Embedding *libsqlvectorgorm.Vector `gorm:"type:F32_BLOB(1536)"`