The question at the heart of this project is "Was 2018 an exceptional year for rainfall in Louisville, KY?" To answer this question, I will determine this by applying a few basic staticial methods if Louisville's 2018 total rainfall is an outlier against all historical data for Louisville, KY's rainfall from the [National Weather Service- Now] ( I obtained all the monthly data, and then calculated the yearly sums of monthly rainfall, and then had to omit 2 years(1872 & 1946) of data since there were months with missing data. To visually display these methods after cleaning up the data, I have plotted a column plot, a scatterplot, a boxplot,and a histogram with the probability distribution function(bell curve) overlaid.
All of the dependencies in this project are libraries included with Anaconda. The dependencies are as follows:
- os
- csv
- sqlite3
- pandas
- matplotlib.pyplot
- numpy
- statistics
- scipy.stats
- pathlib
- Clone the project from GitHub.
- Open Louisville 2018 Rain.ipynb in Jupyter Notebooks
- Cell-> Run All Cells