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Lovenet Home Operations Repository

Managed by Flux, Renovate and GitHub Actions 🤖


Kubernetes Cluster Information:

Age-Days  Node-Count  Pod-Count  CPU-Usage  Memory-Usage 


This is the configuration for my GitOps homelab Kubernetes cluster. This cluster runs home software services for my residence. It is quite complex and there are a lot of interdependencies but the declarative nature of GitOps allows me to manage this mesh of code. The software services fall into a few primary categories:

Core Components



  • cilium: Kubernetes Container Network Interface (CNI).
  • cert-manager: Creates SSL certificates for services in my Kubernetes cluster.
  • external-dns: Automatically manages DNS records from my cluster in a cloud DNS provider.
  • ingress-nginx: Ingress controller to expose HTTP traffic to pods over DNS.
  • Cloudflared: Cloudflare tunnel client.


  • Rook-Ceph: Distributed block storage for peristent storage..
  • Minio: S3 Compatible Storage Interface.
  • Longhorn: Cloud native distributed block storage for Kubernetes.
  • NFS: NFS storage.


⚙️  Configuration

⚙️  Hardware

Hostname Device CPU RAM OS Role Storage IOT Network
master1 Intel NUC7PJYH 4 8 GB CentOS 9 k8s Master
master2 VM on beast 3 8 GB CentOS 9 k8s Master
master3 VM on beast 3 8 GB CentOS 9 k8s Master
worker1 ThinkCentre M910x 8 32 GB CentOS 9 k8s Worker longhorn NVMe Coral USB iot/sec-vlan
worker2 ThinkCentre M910x 8 32 GB CentOS 9 k8s Worker longhorn NVMe zstick-7 iot/sec-vlan
worker3 ThinkCentre M910x 8 32 GB CentOS 9 k8s Worker longhorn NVMe, ceph osd sonoff iot/sec-vlan
worker4 ThinkCentre M910x 8 32 GB CentOS 9 k8s Worker longhorn NVMe iot/sec-vlan
worker5 VM on beast 10 24 GB CentOS 9 k8s Worker longhorn NVMe, ceph osd iot/sec-vlan
worker6 VM on beast 10 24 GB CentOS 9 k8s Worker longhorn NVMe, ceph osd skyconnect iot/sec-vlan
worker7 VM on beast 10 24 GB CentOS 9 k8s Worker longhorn NVMe, ceph osd iot/sec-vlan
worker8 VM on beast 10 48 GB CentOS 9 k8s Worker longhorn NVMe, ceph osd nVIDIA P40 iot/sec-vlan


Click to see a high level physical network diagram dns
Name CIDR VLAN Notes
Management VLAN TBD
Default 0
Guest VLAN 30
Security VLAN 40
Kubernetes Pod Subnet (Cilium) N/A
Kubernetes Services Subnet (Cilium) N/A
Kubernetes LB Range (CiliumLoadBalancerIPPool) N/A

☁️ Cloud Dependencies

Service Use Cost
1Password Secrets with External Secrets ~$65/yr
Cloudflare Domain Free
GitHub Hosting this repository and continuous integration/deployments Free
Mailgun Email hosting Free (Flex Plan)
Pushover Kubernetes Alerts and application notifications $10 (One Time)
Total: ~$5.50/mo


./init/ (on master)

./init/ (on laptop)

./init/ (on laptop)

ssh root@master1 rm /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-vip.yaml (on laptop)


./init/ (on laptop)


Github Webhook

kubectl -n flux-system get generates token URL to be put into -> Settings -> Webhooks -> Payload URL

  • Content Type: application/json
  • Secret: <token from kubectl -n flux-system describe secrets github-webhook-token>
  • SSL: Enable SSL verification
  • Which events would you like to trigger this webhook?: Just the push event.
  • Active:


To get metrics-server to work with kubeadm, you need to do the following if it isn't setup with the clusterconfig provided to kubeadm

  • Need to pull the kubeadm configuration into this repository

Resources: Limits and Requests Philosophy

In short, do set CPU requests, but don't set CPU limits and set the Memory limit to be the same as the Memory requests.

@whazor created this website as a creative way to search Helm Releases across GitHub. You may use it as a means to get ideas on how to configure an applications' Helm values.