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Build Status Slack


  • React 16
  • Webpack 3
  • Babel
  • Staging ES Next Features
  • Hot Module Replacement
  • Devevelopment and Production Scripts
  • Source Maps
  • Less Support, but exchangeable with Sass
    • install sass-loader
    • install adjust webpack config
    • adjust .less extension and content
  • Image Support
  • Optimization
    • Uglify
    • Compression
  • Analyze Bundle
    • Bundle Analyzer
    • Bundle Visualizer
  • Tests
    • Mocha
    • Chai
    • Enzyme
    • Sinon


  • git clone [email protected]:rwieruch/react-webpack-babel-sophisticated.git
  • cd react-webpack-babel-sophisticated
  • npm install
  • npm start
  • visit http://localhost:8080/

Other Scripts

  • npm run build (build application in dist folder)
  • npm run test (test application once)
  • npm run test:watch (watch changing tests)
  • npm run dev:bundleanalyze (analyze dev bundle in browser)
  • npm run build:bundleanalyze (analyze build bundle in browser)
  • npm run build:bundlevisualizer (generate a stats HTML file to visualize bundles)