- way to manage multiple logins (maybe through share blobs)
- allow rsa (and others?) public key authentication for blobserver authentication
sharing - decide how
use the via technique on the standard blobserver '/ref/' path. The blobserver will then decide if the via allows access to the requested operation (get/put a blob). Possibly requesting password/rsa signing, etc. e.g.:
authentication requires two concepts:
- is the share valid (expiration, password, # uses, etc.)
- is the attempted operation within the share's privelages (get vs put, if get - is ref authorized, etc.)
a share blob will help the blobserver know if the requested get/put blob operation is allowed
cli tools
make fad-snap optionally work on a piped or arg list of files instead of always walking the entire root directory
make fad-snap only make new snapshots of files that have changed.
make cli tools (mount, find, snap, mod, stat) work from any nesting level within a mount directory (not just the mount root).
A tool fad-stat to stat meta-data of piped in refs (e.g. return their timestamp, objectref, etc.)
Use examples:
// mount blobs that have a certain path into direcory mymount with // /home/robert prefix removed fad-find -path=/home/robert | fad-mount -root=mymount -prefix=/home/robert // modify meta-data on a file: mark 'hidden' field as true and add // 'failure' to a list of tags fad-ref foo.txt | fad-stat mymount/foo.txt fad-ref foo.txt | fad-mod hidden=true tag+=failure
creating share blobs corresponding to mounted files:
fad-share ??????
- use https (TLS) instead of http on the blobserver
- move blob.Meta Hidden field to be inside the filemeta Notes
- move Meta.Path into the Notes field somehow
- Modify fad-mount to take list of blobrefs (not object refs) to mount piped in
- A generic fad-find tool that returns a list of blobrefs from a blobserver
- based on path, tags, or other arbitrary meta-data
- A tool fad-mod that modifies arbitrary Notes meta-data of listed or piped file names. - so far only modifies mount meta-data
- kill fad-rm tool (superseded by fad-ref and fad-mod)
- things affecting blob schemas
- rename blob.FileMeta to just Meta and make its RcasType be blob.MetaType
What if somebody wants an app that deals with metablobs that don't point to any files? I want them to still use the standard Meta concept where many apps can each pile their own meta-data into a single file (the Notes field).
maybe I could put the ContentRefs inside the Notes field? - interesting idea eh? - S
why I don't like it:
Actually - I would like the meta-blobs to really stay meta-blobs. If somebody has real, hardy, application data, it should go in separate blobs referenced in ContentRefs.
cli tool for mounting/inspecting an object's history. Just use fad-find, fad-ref, fad-mount instead.
- A cli tool fad-ref that returns the object ref for the mounted file -
doesn't fit well with mount tools. Scrapped.