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Ruby format for vim via rufo.


First of all, install rufo via

    $ gem install rufo

Verify it works via

    $ rufo -v

For vim, if you don't have a preferred installation method, I recommend installing pathogen.vim, and then simply copy and paste:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone git://

Enable in .vimrc

Auto formatting is disabled by default, so you have to enable it in your .vimrc/.gvimrc

" Enable rufo (RUby FOrmat)
let g:rufo_auto_formatting = 1

Next time when you save the file code will be formatted

Partial formatting

For formatting some part of the code select lines with Shift+V and call :Rufo command


g:rufo_auto_formatting - enable/disable auto formatting. Default value: 0 (disabled)

g:rufo_errors_buffer_position - errors buffer position. Possible values: 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'. Default: 'bottom'

g:rufo_silence_errors - Errors will not be shown if set to 1. Possible values: 0 or 1. Default: 0


:Rufo - run formatting. In Normal mode - format whole file, in Visual mode - format selected part

:RufoOn - enable auto formatting

:RufoOff - disable auto formatting

:RufoToggle - enable/disable auto formatting

Thank you 💚

Help is very welcome!


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