Persits a Pandas DataFrame object returned by a function into cache file using a decorator, so it decorates the function that returns the pd.DataFrame.
import pandas as pd
from persistence import persist_timeseries_to_file
PATH_CACHE = '/home/ruben/persistence'
# accepts '.csv', '.pickle' and '.json'
def test_func(time, enable_cache=True, path_cache=None, update_cache=False):
Test function of decorator persist_timeseries_to_file()
time : pd.DatetimeIndex
Timeseries index
[From decorator 'persist_timeseries_to_file', to activate the cache]
enable_cache : boolean, default False
actually enables the cache (allows to choose it)
path_cache : string, default None
path where the cache file is saved. If None, it takes the current path
update_cache : boolean, default False
It forces to update the cache file, even if there are data in it
df : pd.DataFrame
Timeseries dataframe with the corresponding data
return pd.get_dummies(time).T
test_func(time=pd.date_range(start='2016-12-01', periods=5),
enable_cache=ENABLE_CACHE, update_cache=UPDATE_CACHE)
test_func(time=pd.date_range(start='2016-12-01', periods=3))
test_func(time=pd.date_range(start='2016-12-01', periods=2),
enable_cache=ENABLE_CACHE, path_cache=PATH_CACHE)