This aspirationally titled project is an experimental lisp-like interpreter inspired by Peter Norvig's but written in Go. Originally this was moving torwards a more Common Lisp-ish implementation, but now it's getting to be closer to scheme as the suggest. It's a learing process, and there is still has a long way to go.
Unlike, which used native python lists, this implementation is based on cons lists and is aiming to be a more complete implementation. Someday.
Travis CI:
- integers and arithmetic
- quote
- strings (no string functions yet though)
- define
- set!
- begin
- lambda
- if
- cons, car, cdr
- procedure defines
- variable argument support for lambda. (also detect duplicate parameters)
- let and friends
- cond
- case
- iteration (do)
- tail recursion
- string functions
- vectors
- macros
- proper equivalence functions
- set-car!, set-cdr!
- association lists
- ports (io)
- rationals
- floating point