Real-time, dynamic and hierarchical management of toggles for services and applications.
Toggler is a service developed in Java 11, Spring Boot and Postgresql database. The main purpose of the service is to provide real-time, dynamic and hierarchical on/off switches. Clients can change or check the status of toggles, besides activating or deactivating them. Since the status of toggles can be easily checked through REST API endpoints (HATEOAS-compliant), functionalities can be wired to be dependant on the state of certain toggles, allowing a controlled, safe and gradual selection of features to be enabled in production. The service also allows the creation of a list of excluded clients who cannot see certains toggles and toggles whose state is overriden for certain clients. These features are available through the control of the following entities:
toggles are on/off switches for all clients (services and applications). The main property is toggleIdentifier, the textual identifier for the toggle and that, ultimately, will be used to compose the URL for the toggle. The boolean property value controls the current state of the toggle (on/off). toggles can also be activated or deactivated, what is reflected by the boolean active property.
toggles-exclusions reflect for a specific toggle which clients are excluded from the access list, or in other words, which clients will not be able to see a specific toggle. This entity contains the toggleIdentifier property where there is the key for the toggle, whereas serviceIdentifier and serviceVersion are used to identify the service or application excluded. toggles-exclusions can also be active or inactive through the property active.
toggles-overrides are responsible for managing toggles who (no matter if they exist or not as a toggle for all clients) will exist as a separate, exclusive state for a specific client. toggles-overrides have the key properties toggleIdentifier, serviceIdentifier and serviceVersion. Just like with a toggle, toggles-overrides have properties value and active, who will store the information used to control respectively state and availability.
The service is provided through a REST API with the following URL paths:
Operations related to creation, activation, deactivation or change of state of toggles (for all clients or only to a specific client)
Operations related to creation, activation or deactivation of toggles overrides for specific clients
Operations related to creation, activation or deactivation of toggles exclusions for specific clients
Explore the online documentation for more details on how to use these operations at http://host:8080/swagger-ui.html (available after build and deploy).
The project comes with the files required for a Maven build (