This template is intended as a starting point for developing your own firmware based on the rp2040-hal.
It includes all of the knurling-rs
tooling as showcased in (defmt
, defmt-rtt
, panic-probe
, flip-link
) to make development as easy as possible.
is configured as the default runner, so you can start your program as easy as
cargo run --release
If you aren't using a debugger (or want to use other debugging configurations), check out alternative runners for other options
The standard Rust tooling (cargo, rustup) which you can install from
Toolchain support for the cortex-m0+ processors in the rp2040 (thumbv6m-none-eabi)
flip-link - this allows you to detect stack-overflows on the first core, which is the only supported target for now.
(by default) A
installation -
compatible probeYou can use a second Pico as a CMSIS-DAP debug probe. Details on other supported debug probes can be found in
rustup target install thumbv6m-none-eabi
cargo install flip-link
# Installs the probe-rs tools, including probe-rs run, our recommended default runner
cargo install --locked probe-rs-tools
# If you want to use elf2uf2-rs instead, do...
cargo install --locked elf2uf2-rs
If you get the error binary `cargo-embed` already exists
during installation of probe-rs, run cargo uninstall cargo-embed
to uninstall your older version of cargo-embed before trying again.
For a debug build
cargo run
For a release build
cargo run --release
If you do not specify a DEFMT_LOG level, it will be set to debug
That means println!("")
, info!("")
and debug!("")
statements will be printed.
If you wish to override this, you can change it in .cargo/config.toml
DEFMT_LOG = "off"
You can also set this inline (on Linux/MacOS)
DEFMT_LOG=trace cargo run
or set the environment variable so that it applies to every cargo run
call that follows:
export DEFMT_LOG=trace
Setting the DEFMT_LOG level for the current session
for bash
export DEFMT_LOG=trace
Windows users can only override DEFMT_LOG through config.toml
or by setting the environment variable as a separate step before calling cargo run
- cmd
set DEFMT_LOG=trace
- powershell
$Env:DEFMT_LOG = trace
cargo run
If you don't have a debug probe or if you want to do interactive debugging you can set up an alternative runner for cargo.
Some of the options for your runner
are listed below:
cargo embed
This is basically a more configurable version ofprobe-rs run
, our default runner. See thecargo-embed
tool docs page for more information.Step 1 - Install
. This is part of theprobe-rs
tools:$ cargo install --locked probe-rs-tools
Step 2 - Update settings in Embed.toml
- The defaults are to flash, reset, and start a defmt logging session You can find all the settings and their meanings in the probe-rs repo
Step 3 - Use the command
cargo embed
, which will compile the code, flash the device and start running the configuration specified in Embed.toml$ cargo embed --release
probe-rs-debugger Step 1 - Install Visual Studio Code from
Step 2 - Install
$ cargo install --locked probe-rs-tools
Step 3 - Open this project in VSCode
Step 4 - Install
debugger for probe-rs
via the VSCode extensions menu (View > Extensions)Step 5 - Launch a debug session by choosing
>Start Debugging
(or press F5) -
Loading a UF2 over USB
Step 1 - Installelf2uf2-rs
:$ cargo install elf2uf2-rs --locked
Step 2 - Modify
to change the default runner[target.`cfg(all(target-arch = "arm", target_os = "none"))`] runner = "elf2uf2-rs -d"
The all-Arm wildcard
'cfg(all(target_arch = "arm", target_os = "none"))'
is used by default in the template files, but may also be replaced bythumbv6m-none-eabi
.Step 3 - Boot your RP2040 into "USB Bootloader mode", typically by rebooting whilst holding some kind of "Boot Select" button. On Linux, you will also need to 'mount' the device, like you would a USB Thumb Drive.
Step 4 - Use
cargo run
, which will compile the code and start the specified 'runner'. As the 'runner' is theelf2uf2-rs
tool, it will build a UF2 file and copy it to your RP2040.$ cargo run --release
Loading with picotool
As ELF files produced by compiling Rust code are completely compatible with ELF files produced by compiling C or C++ code, you can also use the Raspberry Pi tool picotool. The only thing to be aware of is that picotool expects your ELF files to have a.elf
extension, and by default Rust does not give the ELF files any extension. You can fix this by simply renaming the file.This means you can't easily use it as a cargo runner - yet.
Also of note is that the special pico-sdk macros which hide information in the ELF file in a way that
picotool info
can read it out, are not supported in Rust. An alternative is TBC.
The second-stage boot loader must be written to the .boot2 section. That
is usually handled by the board support package (e.g.rp-pico
). If you don't use
one, you should initialize the boot loader manually. This can be done by adding the
following to the beginning of
use rp2040_boot2;
#[link_section = ".boot2"]
pub static BOOT_LOADER: [u8; 256] = rp2040_boot2::BOOT_LOADER_W25Q080;
There are several feature flags in rp2040-hal.
If you want to enable some of them, uncomment the rp2040-hal
dependency in Cargo.toml
and add the
desired feature flags there. For example, to enable ROM functions for f64 math using the feature rom-v2-intrinsics
rp2040-hal = { version="0.10", features=["rt", "critical-section-impl", "rom-v2-intrinsics"] }
NOTE These packages are under active development. As such, it is likely to remain volatile until a 1.0.0 release.
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
The steps are:
- Fork the Project by clicking the 'Fork' button at the top of the page.
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Make some changes to the code or documentation.
- Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Feature Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Create a New Pull Request
- An admin will review the Pull Request and discuss any changes that may be required.
- Once everyone is happy, the Pull Request can be merged by an admin, and your work is part of our project!
Contribution to this crate is organized under the terms of the Rust Code of Conduct, and the maintainer of this crate, the rp-rs team, promises to intervene to uphold that code of conduct.
The contents of this repository are dual-licensed under the MIT OR Apache
2.0 License. That means you can chose either the MIT licence or the
Apache-2.0 licence when you re-use this code. See MIT
or APACHE2.0
for more
information on each specific licence.
Any submissions to this project (e.g. as Pull Requests) must be made available under these terms.
Raise an issue: Chat to us on Matrix: