- 28-Dec-2020
- Based on pophelper_v2.3.1
- Error bars in first plot of Evanno method showed max/min rather than SD. Fixed to show SD.
- Legend is now sorted numerically
- Better CRAN compatibility
- 15-Aug-2019
- R dependency set to >=3.5.0
- Based on pophelper_v2.3.0
- Added cluster colour palette picker with palette image
- 'Colorbrewer' option removed and added to regular colours
- Added R package shinyWidgets
- Runs selection options using datatable widget or picker widget
- Excel dependency changed from xlsx to writexl
- Dependency on CLUMPP executable removed
- Align function added to align clusters within and across K
- Temporary files and plots written in temporary directory
- 17-Sep-2018
- Removed dependency on fields package
- Temporary directory is set to OS default
- 13-Aug-2018
- First v2 release