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reveal.js theme template for the Henry Royce Institute

This is the Henry Royce Institute branded theme for the reveal.js HTML presentation framework.

By using this template you can host and publish a presentation with the Royce branding on your github repository under <USERNAME><REPOSITORY_NAME>.

How to use this template

Create your repository

  1. Navigate to the template icon within this page
  2. Click on Use this template
  3. Select Create a new repository
    • When creating the repository make sure to de-selecte 'Include all branches', only copy the main branch
    • You can review the repository naming tips in the section Tips for naming your repository
  4. Edit index.html in the presentation directory
  5. Push your updates

Publish your presentation

  1. Navigate to Settings in your repository
  2. Navigate to Pages in the left-hand side toolbar menu
  3. Make sure that Deploy from branch is selected under Source
  4. Select gh-pages under Branch
  5. Click Save
  6. Your website should take a few minutes to generate and will be live under <USERNAME><REPOSITORY_NAME>

What is contained within the template

The files that will be published are within the presentation directory.

Within the directory you can find:

  1. index.html, the file where you write the presentation
  2. reveal.js/ submodule directory, where the reveal.js framework codebase is hosted - we will endeavour to update this with the latest stable version within a few days of release
  3. royce_assets/ directory, where we house some images that make up the template
  4. styles/ directory, where the .scss file, the auxiliary, and the compiled .css file are contained, the .css file is where the main theme is hosted
  5. modifiers/ directory, which contains a JavaScript file for controlling the appearance of the title page of the presentation and the appearance according the location on the page


How to modify this template


For a guide on how to use reveal.js to create HTML presentations, please consult the official guide for reveal.js HTML. For a template guide, we provide some inexhaustive instructions below.

Creating new slides

To create a new slide you can insert a section HTML element and start typing. The simplest way to do this is by copying the area marked with the number 4 on the image below, in index.html

Adding speaker notes

To add speaker notes you can include an <aside class="notes"> area before you close a slide section, as shown in the area marked with 3 on the image below

An image showing where in the presentation file you can find certain html elements

Danger Zone

If you want the template to behave as the one published on the template example where the title slide has a different banner to the content slides then it's important that you do not tamper with the section id names marked 1 and 2 on the image above.


For Markdown, we include an example file in example_resources.
If you want to write your presentation in Markdown, instead of HTML, you can replace index.html with the example file and renaming it.

For the reveal.js Markdown guide, please review the official documentation for using Markdown with reveal.js.

Useful information

How gh-pages is generated

When you push to the branch main, it will trigger an automatic process that copies the presentation directory to the branch gh-pages. You do not need to modify gh-pages as it is modified automatically and will host only what files are included in the presentation directory.
Additionally, this automatic process will enable you to publish the presentation from the gh-pages branch.

If you want a homogenous theme without a title slide banner, you can remove the section id names shown in the above images

<section id="titleSlide">
<section id="firstContentSlide">
<!-- .slide: id="titleSlide" -->
<!-- .slide: id="firstContentSlide" -->

Tips for naming your repository

  1. Keep it short-ish
  2. Be descriptive enough
  3. ISO date format + conference is a good combination, e.g. '2024-02-28_nameofconference'