frontend to submit setIdentity + requestJudgement on polkadot-sdk chains using polkadot-api.
First of all, make sure you set up your environment correctly. Those versons are recommended to prevent issues on debug or building. Please make sure you
curl -fsSL | bash -s "bun-v1.1.35"
curl -o- | bash
nvm install 22
Then, just run and visit http://localhost:3333
bun install
Before debugging or building, make sure to have the .env
cp .env.example .env
You might edit it to set your endpoints. If debugging, Vite will restart on edit.
bun dev
To generate/update scale metadata
bunx [email protected] update # or bun metadata
To build the App, run
bun build
Docs can be found at
You can also generate it via comand
bunx papi-generate-docs --config .papi/polkadot-api.json --output docs/