Faucet, Oracle & Vault / Relayer
This project is currently under active development.
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
Please also install the following dependencies:
(on Ubuntu)
The testnet may use a faucet to allow users and vaults to self-fund up to a daily limit.
To start the Faucet follow the instructions contained in the Faucet README.
The interBTC bridge requires a price oracle to calculate collateralization rates, for local development we can run this client to automatically update the exchange rate at a pre-determined time interval.
To start the Oracle follow the instructions contained in the Oracle README.
The Vault client is used to intermediate assets between Bitcoin and the BTC Parachain. It is also capable of submitting Bitcoin block headers to the BTC Parachain.
To start the Vault follow the instructions contained in the Vault README.
./vault generate-parachain-key > /etc/vault/keyfile.json
After=network.target bitcoind.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/vault \
--bitcoin-rpc-url http://localhost:8332 \
--bitcoin-rpc-user 'rpcuserhai7ooqu6oos1ebashahcei1urup9Eet' \
--bitcoin-rpc-pass 'rpcpasswordThai0oa7oeng7Eethee4kieDahghooX2' \
--keyfile /etc/vault/keyfile.json \
--keyname "wdDF4swikWCMjTVSx7amgfckFiTa4dA8qbhqyoWtfnSExiYek" \
--auto-register=DOT=300000000000 \
--btc-parachain-url 'wss://api.interlay.io:443/parachain'
Building requires a specific rust toolchain and nightly compiler version. The requirements are specified in the ./rust-toolchain.toml override file.
Running rustup show
from the root directory of this repo should be enough to
set up the toolchain and you can inspect the output to verify that it matches
the version specified in the override file.
Use the following command to fetch the newest metadata from a live chain:
curl -sX POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"state_getMetadata", "id": 1}' localhost:9933 | jq .result | cut -d '"' -f 2 | xxd -r -p > runtime/metadata.scale
To build, one of the following mutually-exclusive features must be specified:
- parachain-metadata-interlay
- parachain-metadata-kintsugi
The default command for building the clients, assuming a Kintsugi chain, is:
cargo run --features=parachain-metadata-kintsugi --bin runner -- --parachain-ws 'ws://localhost:9944' --vault-config-file args.txt
Too many open files
On cargo test
the embedded parachain node in the integration tests can consume a lot of resources. Currently the best workaround is to increase the resource limits of the current user.
Use ulimit -a
to list the current resource limits. To increase the maximum number of files set ulimit -n 4096
or some other reasonable limit.