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Releases: ropensci/phonfieldwork


02 Mar 17:21
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  • correct empty tiers behavior #34 (thanks to Shungo Suzuki)
  • add possibility to have different values in the n_of_annotations argument of create_subannotation() (thanks to Jenya Korovina for the idea)
  • rename tier argument of the create_empty_textgrid() to tier_name.
  • create the remove_textgrid_tier() function.


25 Nov 13:46
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  • add tryCatch to the read_from_folder() function
  • fast fix for CRAN


26 Oct 16:19
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fast pandoc fix for CRAN


25 Oct 17:20
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  • add possibility to read short format of .TextGrids and fix textgrid_to_df() and tier_to_df() functions
  • add encoding, formant_df, intensity, picth and pitch_range arguments to the draw_sound() function
  • add the formant_to_df() function
  • add the picth_to_df() function
  • add the intensity_to_df() function
  • add an argument external to the create_presentation() function in order to mark external images or gifs
  • remove all encoding arguments and replace it with encoding autodetection from uchardet (thanks to Artem Klevtsov for help)
  • add autonumber, loging and missing arguments to rename_soundfiles() function (thanks to Niko Partanen)
  • a lot of minor style changes (thanks to Jonathan Keane)
  • add the create_empty_textgrid() function (thanks to Niko Partanen)
  • add the data_manipulation_with_tidyverse vignette (thanks to Niko Partanen)
  • add the concatenate_textgrids() function
  • add the read_from_folder() function and remove ..._from_folder arguments
  • pass rOpenSci review! Move tutorial to


10 Jul 17:29
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  • add a vigniettes about ethical research and introduction to work with phonfieldwork
  • add an argument textgrids_from_folder to the textgrid_to_df() function
  • add an argument exbs_from_folder to the exb_to_df() function
  • add an argument eafs_from_folder to the eaf_to_df() function
  • add Raven style annotations
  • replace freqmax with frequency_range argument
  • replace example_textgrid with systemfile() call
  • add window annotation to spectrograms
  • add bridge to lingtypology package: map argument in the create_viewer() function
  • make it possible to visualise all types of annotations with the draw_sound() function
  • add the source column to all ..._to_df() functions
  • add the audacity_to_df function
  • add the srt_to_df function
  • chage textgrid related functions' output from start, end, annotation to time_start, time_end, content
  • correct point tier visualization


20 Jun 11:30
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  • add encoding arguments to functions for working with .TextGrids
  • add textgrid argument to the draw_sound() function
  • change subgraphs alignment in the draw_sound() function including .TextGrid annotation
  • add from and to arguments to the draw_sound() function
  • add .mp3 format reading options to all functions that work with sounds
  • add text_size argument to the draw_sound() function
  • add zoom argument to the draw_sound() function
  • add the get_sound_duration() function
  • fix ploting of multiple sounds with multiple .TextGrids
  • add an argument title_as_filename to the draw_sound() function
  • change .TextGrid associated arguments of the create_viewer() function to table argument; as a result users now need to provide a table for the annotation viewer and not a .TextGrid


08 Jun 05:50
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  • add textgrid_to_df() function for reading Praat files
  • add create_glossed_document() function for converting .flextext files into a glossed document
  • add flextext_to_df() function for reading FLEx files
  • add eaf_to_df() function for reading ELAN files
  • add exb_to_df() function for reading EXMARaLDA files
  • rename textgrid argument into annotation argument in "concatenate_soundfiles()" function adding new possible values


23 May 20:56
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  • add create_subannotation() function


08 Jan 06:24
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phonfieldwork 0.0.3 (07.01.2020)

  • vertically and horisontally center text in presentations created by "create_presentation()"; thx @Pandaklez #1
  • add the "font_size" argument to the "create_presentation()" function
  • add "rename_videofiles()" function
  • rebuild html viewer for sounds with JavaScript with the help of new functions "create_image_look_up()" and "create_sound_play()".

full functionality release

23 Sep 07:46
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  • make the "create_presentation()" function render silently
  • add a new function "draw_sound()" for creating spectrogram and oscilogram
  • add a new function "create_viewer()" for creating an html viewer with sound and spectrograms
  • correct work of "autonumbering" function in "extract_intervals()" function
  • add new functions "get_textgrid_names()" and "set_textgrid_names()"
  • finish tutorial