aka. MM-Sim
- Mobility Management
- Mobile IP: MIPv4
Partial implementation of RFC 5944 Mobile IP framework for Linux Ubuntu 22.04LTS, written in Python 3.10.
🔥 News 🔥
- [2025-0311] All functions (
) are ready to go! - [2025-0310] Refactor! Refactor! Refactor!
- [2025-0309] MM-Sim is supporting Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Python 3.10 now
🚀 Mobile IP (MIP) framework allows transparent routing of IP packets to mobile nodes regardless of its current point of attachment in a the Internet. Thanks to MIP, mobile node is able to roam from an its home network to any foreign network, being always reachable through its home IP address.
🌟 A brief introduction of Mobile IP is provided here
🎉 Following key features are supported:
- Mobile IP protocol (Registration Request and Reply)
- Mobile-Home Authentication Extension (MHAE) with the 128-bit key
authentication algorithm - Home Agent entity
- Mobile Node entity
- Co-located CoA mode
- Forward and Reverse tunneling
- GRE encapsulation
- Identification based on timestamp
- Agent discovery and advertisement with ICMP
- Foreign Agent entity
- Minimal encapsulation
- Broadcast datagrams
Basic use case that can be achieved with this implementation of MIP is shown on figure below.
Create a venv
# create a venv with py3.10
python -m venv .venv
# activate
source .venv/bin/activate
# plz make sure you are under a python venv
pip install ntplib pyroute2 netaddr
Start for HA and MN
cd mobility-management-linux
# HOME AGENT: with sudo privilege!!!
sudo $(which python3) -m examples.home_agent examples/ha.cfg
# MOBILE NODE: with sudo privilege!!!
# start
sudo $(which python3) -m examples.mn_agent start examples/mn.cfg
# Other args like: stop / register / deregister ...
Congratulates! Now HA and MN are started 👍
More commands for exploring can be checked here.
This repo is inspired by mkiol's Mobile IP 🫡
This project, developed by Boxuan Hu, rectifies errors in previous work and upgrades the entire project from Python 2 to Python 3, incorporating a comprehensive restructuring. 🚀
Modifications and additions are licensed under MIT-License. For details on what changes were made, please refer to the commit history.
The project is currently stable on Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and supports Python 3.10. 🌟