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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation



multi -> true for multiselect else single select

value -> will be null or object in case of single select || array in case of multi-select

name -> will be string

onChange -> handler function

fetchOptions -> to fetch option(can be async or sync)

popperStyle -> will be applied to the popper,

showCheckBox -> true will show checkbox

showSelectAll -> true will show selectAll( applicable in multi-select only),

onDragEnd -> handler function (will be invoked on dragend) (applicable if isDragable is set to true),

isDragable -> true for drag behaviour,

isClearAble -> user can clear all selected option,

isSearchAble -> true will inable smart search (default is true),

labelAccessor -> a string will represent the path for label i.e. option= {name:{first_name:"abcd"}} then path will be name.first_name,

size -> will be applied to input (text field and checkbox), -> rest will be applied to the textfield