Django webapp for The Nice Package
While django-simple-captcha is cool in production it is a pain to setup. I recommend commenting it out in users/ and believing that it works but here's a url to use it
If you updated from Mountain Lion (OSX 10.8) to Mavericks (OSX 10.9) you will need clean up your python environment.
If you have Anacondas installed you'll need to remove it. To do that get the path
$ conda info
This will print out the path of where Anacondas is installed. Remove it
$ sudo rm -r your/anacondas/path
You'll need to remove and reinstall virtualenv
$ pip uninstall virtualenv
$ pip install virtualenv
- Python Version
Make sure you are using Python version 2.7.x
$ python --version
If your using a different version of Python visit the Python site to learn more about version 2.7 and download the latest stable build:
- Install pip Python Package Manager
Enter the following command to make sure you have pip installed on a global level
$ pip help
If pip is not found then run the following command
$ easy_install pip
- Install Virtualenv
If you don't already have virtualenv installed use pip to install the package. Virtualenv allows you to manage different Python projects, and their dependencies, within a local scope this eliminating dependency conflicts
$ pip install virtualenv
Enter the following command to make sure virtualenv install correctly
$ virtualenv --help
- Clone from master or your own fork of master
$ git clone
- Change into the root directory for Box you just clones and create a new virtualenv
$ virtualenv --distribute venv
This will create a new virtual environment called venv (which will be a directory) within the project. You'll then want to activate the new virtualenv:
$ source venv/bin/activate
Your command line prompt should now be prefixed with (venv). To exit the virtual environment enter:
(venv)$ deactivate
- Installing Requirements
If you are on Mac and using OSX 10.9 (Mavericks) chances are your entire Python dev setup is not functional. Follow these instructions:
Once you have everything squared away you should be able to run the following command to install all project requirements:
(venv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: You might have an error using the right version of Python if you also use Anacondas. Check out this StackOverflow:
Note 2: You might have touble installing PIL and argparse. See this StackOverflow post:
- Setup Local Django Development
Change the BASE_DIR variable in
BASE_DIR = "/your/path/to/box"
Next, make sure you have PostgreSQL installed. If you're on a Mac you can checkout, download the application and run the Postgres server locally. If you use Linux or Windows, download it from the Postgres site and follow the instructions to run it locally:
Once you have Postgres running, login and create the box db:
$ sudo psql
username=# create database box;
Make sure the database settings are now set to Postres and that you have the proper username and database name configured.
Now you should be able to sync the database and run the development server.
$ venv/bin/python syncdb
$ venv/bin/python runserver
Now go to the development server
. You should now see the homepage.
NOTE: Since you changed your custom_settings to reflect your personal environment, and since it should not live on github, make sure you do NOT commit