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Combine the status of multiple device trackers; make presence detection not so binary; reverse geocode and make distance calculations.

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Home Assistant Person Location Custom Integrationhacs_badge

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Sample person location

Combine the status of multiple device trackers

This custom integration will look at all device trackers that are for a particular person and combine them into a single person location sensor, sensor.<name>_location. These "device trackers" can be device_tracker, sensor, binary_sensor, or person entities. Device tracker state changes are monitored rather than doing polling, averaging the states, or calculating a probability. Device trackers follow devices that the person has; the person location sensor tries to follow the person instead.

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For meaningful results, the device trackers should include latitude and longitude attributes, as in Mobile App, iCloud, and iCloud3 device trackers. Most location features will be skipped for updates triggered by "device trackers" that do not know the location coordinates, but these are still useful for presence detection.

The process for deciding which triggered device trackers to pay attention to is somewhat controversial, but here is how we do it. Each update of a "device tracker" (the trigger) is examined to decide if it should be used to update the person location sensor (the target).

  • Trigger is the target itself:
    • Skip
  • Trigger has gps_accuracy equal to 0 or greater than 100:
    • Skip
  • Trigger state is NotSet:
    • Skip
  • Trigger location time is before target location time (previous update):
    • Skip
  • First trigger for the target:
    • Accept
  • Target has unknown state:
    • Accept
  • Trigger source is GPS:
    • Trigger changed zones:
      • Accept
    • Trigger did not change zones:
      • Target is not "following" a particular trigger:
        • Accept
      • Target is already following this trigger:
        • Accept
      • Trigger has the same state as the one being followed:
        • Trigger accuracy is better than the one being followed:
          • Accept
  • Trigger source is not GPS
    • Trigger changed state:
      • Trigger implies Home and Target is not Home:
        • Accept
      • Trigger implies Away and Target is Home:
        • Accept

Make presence detection not so binary

When a person is detected as moving between Home and Away, instead of going straight to Home or Away, it will temporarily change the person's status to Just Arrived or Just Left so that automations can be triggered or conditions applied appropriately.

Person State Diagram

Inspired by

If CONF_SHOW_ZONE_WHEN_AWAY, then <Zone> is reported instead of Away.

Reverse geocode the location and make distance calculations

The custom integration supplies a service to reverse geocode the location (making it human readable) using Open Street Map, MapQuest, or Google Maps and calculate the distance from home (miles and minutes) using WazeRouteCalculator.


Folder: custom_components/person_location

This folder contains the files that make up the Person Location custom integration.

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Calculated Location Attributes

By default, the custom integration will set the following attribute names in the sensor.

Attribute Name Example Description
compass_bearing: 90.0 most recent direction of travel (degrees)
meters_from_home: 71862.3 calculated distance from Home (meters)
miles_from_home: 44.7 calculated distance from Home (miles)
direction: stationary most recent direction from Home
driving_miles: 50.6 distance from Home based on Waze route
driving_minutes: 46.8 distance from Home based on Waze traffic conditions

Attribution: "Data provided by Waze App. Learn more at"

Open Street Map Geocoding

Reverse geocoding generates an address from a latitude and longitude. The Open Street Map reverse geocoding feature sets the following attribute names in the sensor.

Attribute Name Example Description
Open_Street_Map: 1313 Mockingbird Lane Hollywood Los Angeles California 90038 United States display_name from Open Street Map
friendly_name: Rod (Rod's iPhone) is in Los Angeles formatted location to be displayed for sensor

Open Street Map (Nominatim) has a usage policy that limits the frequency of calls. The custom integration attempts to limit calls to less than once per second. To meet the requirement to be able to switch off the service, the state of person_location.person_location_api can be changed to Off. This can be done by calling service person_location.geocode_api_off and then resumed later by calling service person_location.geocode_api_on. The number of calls is also reduced by skipping updates while the person location sensor state is Home or if the location has changed by less than 10 meters. (It will update while the state is Just Arrived, so it reflects the home location while home.)

If you find problems with the OSM information results, feel free to sign up at and edit the map.

Attribution: "Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0."

Google Maps Geocoding

The Google Maps Geocoding feature sets the following attribute names in the sensor.

Attribute Name Example Description
Google_Maps: 1313 Mockingbird Ln, Los Angeles, CA 90038, USA formatted_address from Google Maps
friendly_name: Rod (Rod's iPhone) is in Los Angeles formatted location to be displayed for sensor

Attribution: powered by Google

MapQuest Geocoding

The MapQuest Reverse Geocoding feature sets the following attribute names in the sensor.

Attribute Name Example Description
MapQuest: 1313 Mockingbird Ln, Los Angeles, CA 90038-9436 constructed from MapQuest location attributes.
friendly_name: Rod (Rod's iPhone) is in Los Angeles formatted location to be displayed for sensor

Attribution: © 2021 MapQuest, Inc.

File: automation_folder/person_location_detection.yaml

This automation file contains example automations that call the person_location/process_trigger service. This is one of the ways to specify which device trackers will be watched for events that will trigger processing. These automations are optional and are kind of a non-standard way to configure the integration.

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Automation Person Location Update contains a list of device tracker entities to be monitored. Automation Person Location Device Tracker Updated looks at all state_changed events to find the ones that belong to device trackers. One automation or the other (or both) can be used to select the input for the process.

Note that Person Location Update for router home and Person Location Update for router not_home are not currently used by me because it drives my router crazy to be probed all the time. The intention here was to give a five minute delay before declaring the device not home, so that temporary WIFI dropoffs do not cause inappropriate actions.

Device tracker requirements (input)

Each device tracker that is processed (by calling the person_location/process_trigger service) needs to have the identity of the person that is being tracked. This is specified in either a person_name or account_name attribute of the device tracker. This could be done in Configuration Customizations.

Customizations Example

In the case of the Apple iCloud integration, the account_name can be specified in its configuration and this gets passed thru to the device trackers:

# Example configuration.yaml entry for iCloud presence

- platform: icloud
  username: [email protected]
  password: !secret icloud_rod
  account_name: rod

Service: person_location/process_trigger

This is the service that is called by automation Person Location Update following a state change of a device tracker such as a phone, watch, or car. It creates/updates a Home Assistant sensor named sensor.<personName>_location. The configuration can also specify that this be done for all person entities and/or for selected "device trackers".

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  - Parameters for the call:
  - Attributes of entity_id (supplied by device_tracker process):
      last_located (optional, from iCloud3)
      person_name (if different from what is implied by entity_id = device_tracker.<person_name>_whatever)
      altitude (optional, passed thru to the output sensor)
      entity_picture (optional, passed thru to the output sensor)
      gps_accuracy (optional)
      source_type (optional)
      vertical_accuracy (optional)
      zone (optional)

The sensor will be updated with a state such as Just Arrived, Home, Just Left, Away, or Extended Away. In addition, selected attributes from the triggered device tracker will be copied to the sensor. Attributes source (the triggering entity ID), reported_state (the state reported by the device tracker), icon (for the current zone), and friendly_name (the status of the person) will be updated.

Note that the person location sensor state is triggered by state changes such as a device changing zones, that way a phone left at home does not get a vote for "home". The assumption is that if the device is moving, then the person has it. An effort is also made to show more respect to devices with a higher GPS accuracy. This typically results in the mobile app being followed.

The built-in Person integration competes somewhat in combining the status of multiple device trackers. I expect that its ability to determine the actual presence and location of a person will improve with time. If you prefer the selection priority that the built-in Person integration provides, only call the person_location/process_trigger service for changes of the person.<personName> entity rather than the upstream device trackers. Do not mix the two because it is likely to double the updates and may get stuck following the wrong entity. You could follow all configured Person entities by skipping all calls to person_location/process_trigger and selecting the follow_person_integration configuration option.

Person location sensor example (output)

Entity State Attribute Name Example Description
sensor.rod_location Home source_type: gps source_type copied from device tracker
latitude: xx.136566162109375 latitude copied from device tracker
longitude: -xxx.60774422200406 longitude copied from device tracker
gps_accuracy: 65 gps_accuracy copied from device tracker
altitude: xxxx.1041374206543 altitude copied from device tracker
vertical_accuracy: 10 vertical_accuracy copied from device tracker
friendly_name: Rod (Rod's iPhone) is Home formatted location to be displayed for sensor
source: device_tracker.crab_apple device tracker that triggered the state
reported_state: Home state reported by the device tracker
update_time: 2020-12-11 17:08:52.267362 time that the device tracker location was obtained
zone: home zone reported for the location or away if not in a zone
icon: mdi:home icon for the zone of the location

Service: person_location/reverse_geocode

This is the service to reverse geocode the location in a sensor and it is called by person_location/process_trigger. It could also be called by other integrations to do the same for their sensors.

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  - Parameters for the call:
      friendly_name_template (optional)
      force_update (optional)
  - Attributes of entity_id:
      - attributes supplied by another process (to provide current location):
          location_time (optional)
          source (optional)



This integration can be added to HACS as a custom (non-default) repository.

Assuming you have already installed and configured HACS, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the HACS integrations page at http://<your-home-assistant>:8123/hacs/integrations.
  2. Click the 3 vertical dots menu in the top right corner.
  3. Choose "Custom repositories"
  4. Enter repository URL ( in the text field in the dialog.
  5. Choose "Integration" from the Category list in the dialog.
  6. Click "Add". The repository will now be added to your HACS.
  7. Click the "x" to close the dialog.
  8. The integration is now visible. Click "Install", and click "Install" again.
  9. Ready! Now continue with the configuration.

Manual Installation Hints

  1. Copy folder custom_components/person_location and its contents under your <config> directory.

  2. Optionally, copy and update file <config>/automation_folder/presence-detection.yaml as appropriate for your devices. (This file may need to be placed elsewhere or merged into <config>automation.yaml, depending on how your configuration is organized. My Home Assistant configuration is split into multiple folders.)

  3. Restart Home Assistant.

  4. Configure in Home Assistant Settings > Devices & services or add configuration in <config>/configuration.yaml.

  5. Restart Home Assistant if <config>/configuration.yaml was updated.

Configuration Parameters

The configuration can be updated in either the Settings > Devices & services GUI, or by adding parameters to configutation.yaml. To avoid confusion and prevent unexpected results, choose to use one or the other, not both.

GUI Parameter YAML Parameter Optional Description Default
Follow Person Integration? follow_person_integration Yes Follow updates of all Person entities rather than looking at individual device trackers. False
Friendly Name Template* friendly_name_template Yes A template that specifies how the friendly_name of the sensor is formatted. See the note concerning template variables in More Details below. The original format: {{person_name}} ({{source.attributes.friendly_name}}) {{friendly_name_location}}
Google API Key google_api_key Yes Google API Key obtained from the Google Maps Platform. Do not do the Google reverse geocoding.
Google Language language Yes Language parameter for the Google API. en
Google Region region Yes Region parameter for the Google API. US
Hours Extended Away* extended_away Yes Number of hours before changing Away into Extended Away. Set to 0 to not use Extended Away state. 48
Mapbox Access Token mapbox_api_key Yes Mapbox Access Token obtained from the Mapbox Account page. (Sign up for a free "hobbyist" account.) Do not use MapBox to generate maps.
MapQuest API Key mapquest_api_key Yes MapQuest API Key obtained from the MapQuest Developer site. Do not do the MapQuest reverse geocoding.
Minutes Just Arrived* just_arrived Yes Number of minutes before changing Just Arrived into Home. Set to 0 to not use Just Arrived state. 3
Minutes Just Left* just_left Yes Number of minutes before changing Just Left into Away. Set to 0 to not use Just Left state. 3
OSM API Key (your eMail Address) osm_api_key Yes Contact email address to be used by the Open Street Map API. Do not do the OSM reverse geocoding.
Platform for output sensor platform Yes Platform used for the person location "sensor". (Experimental.) sensor as in sensor.<name>_location.
Sensors to be created create_sensors Yes List of attributes for which individual sensors are to be created so that template sensors do not need to be configured. Choose from this list: altitude, bread_crumbs, direction, driving_miles, driving_minutes, geocoded, latitude, longitude, meters_from_home, miles_from_home. None
Show zone when away?* show_zone_when_away Yes Show the state as the zone name when it is available, rather than just Away. False
Person Location Triggers* person_names Yes List of person names and devices to be followed. (See example in More Details.) None

* Located in the options flow (activated by clicking CONFIGURE). All others are located in the configuration flow (activated when adding the integration or by clicking ... Reconfigure)

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# Example configuration.yaml entry
    - name: Rod
        - device_tracker.rod_iphone
        - device_tracker.rod_iphone_3
        - sensor.ford_focus_location
    - name: Pam
      devices: person.pam

GUI configuration example

In this example, sensor.rod_location will reflect changes detected in three devices; sensor.pam_location will reflect changes in the person.pam entity.

Open Street Map Geocoding Configuration

To activate the custom integration with the Open Street Map reverse geocoding feature, add a contact email address to <config>/configuration.yaml. Open Street Map is free and you do not need to sign up for an API key, so this may be a good place to start.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
    osm_api_key: !secret gmail_address

Google Maps Geocoding Configuration

To activate the custom integration with the Google Maps Geocoding feature, add a Google API Key to <config>/configuration.yaml. A Google API Key can be obtained from the Google Maps Platform site. Unfortunately, obtaining a Key requires that billing be set up. Their free tier is generous for our purposes, but if it gives you the heebie-jeebies to give Google a credit card, stick with Open Street Map.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
    google_api_key: !secret google_api_key

MapQuest Geocoding Configuration

To activate the custom integration with the MapQuest Reverse Geocode feature, add a MapQuest API Key to <config>/configuration.yaml. A MapQuest API Key can be obtained from the MapQuest Developer site.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
    mapquest_api_key: !secret mapquest_api_key

Friendly Name Template Variables

Example Variable Description Sample
friendly_name_location The zone or locality that was determined. "is Away", "is at Walmart", "is in Peoria".
person_name The person's name from the configuration. "Rod"
source.attributes.friendly_name The friendly_name of the device tracker that triggered the update. "Rod's iPhone App"
target.attributes.reported_state The reported_state recorded in the output sensor. (The other attributes of the output sensor can be similarly referenced,)
Example Template Sample Result
{{ person_name }} ({{ source.attributes.friendly_name }}) {{ friendly_name_location }} "Rod (Rod's iPhone App) is in Peoria"
{{ person_name }} "Rod"
{{ person_name }} {{ friendly_name_location }} "Rod is in Peoria"
{{ person_name }}'s Location "Rod's Location"

A note about iCloud3

If you use the iCloud3 integration, the following setting helps with showing the zone and icon when you have an apostrophe in the zone's friendly name.

# config_ic3.yaml
display_zone_format: fname

Configure a Switch to control Person Location API calls (optional)

# Example configuration.yaml entry

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Person Location Service
        value_template: "{{ is_state('person_location.person_location_integration', 'on') }}"
          service: person_location.geocode_api_on
          service: person_location.geocode_api_off
        icon_template: "{{ state_attr('person_location.person_location_integration','icon') }}"

Map Configuration Examples (Optional)

The integration provides a camera platform that can be used to provide a map image. Some knowledge of the 3rd-party mapping API is necessary to adjust these maps, so get into it only if you enjoy coding and figuring things out. The map providers each require an API key, but do not put the key into the camera configuration. Instead, pull the key from the integration using something like &key={{google_api_key}} in the camera configuration template.

Here are a few examples.


See for help.


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This one zooms the map to show the location of everyone.

# Example configuration.yaml entry

  - name: combined_location_google
    platform: person_location
    still_image_url: >-
      {%- set markers = '' -%}
      {%- set pri_entity = 'sensor.rod_location' -%}
      {%- set pri_pin = 'R' -%}
      {%- set pri_longitude = state_attr(pri_entity, 'longitude') |string -%}
      {%- set pri_latitude = state_attr(pri_entity, 'latitude') |string -%}
      {%- if (pri_longitude != None) and (pri_latitude != None) -%}
        {%- set markers = markers + '&markers=color:blue%7Csize:mid%7Clabel:' + pri_pin + '%7C' + pri_latitude + ',' + pri_longitude -%} 
      {%- endif -%}
      {%- set sec_entity = 'sensor.pam_location' -%}
      {%- set sec_pin = 'P' -%}
      {%- set sec_longitude = state_attr(sec_entity, 'longitude') |string -%}
      {%- set sec_latitude = state_attr(sec_entity, 'latitude') |string -%}
      {%- if (sec_longitude != None) and (sec_latitude != None) -%}
        {%- set markers = markers + '&markers=color:green%7Csize:mid%7Clabel:' + sec_pin + '%7C' + sec_latitude + ',' + sec_longitude -%} 
      {%- endif -%}
      {%- set home_longitude = state_attr('zone.home', 'longitude') -%}
      {%- set home_latitude = state_attr('zone.home', 'latitude') -%}
      {%- set zoom = 16 -%}{{home_latitude}},{{home_longitude}}{{markers}}&key={{google_api_key}}
# Example ui-lovelace.yaml

      - type: picture-entity
        entity: camera.combined_location_google
        name: Google
        show_state: false
        show_name: true


Click for Configuration Details
# Example configuration.yaml entry

  - name: rod_location_google
    platform: person_location
    still_image_url: >-
      {%- set pri_entity = 'sensor.rod_location' -%}
      {%- set pri_pin = 'R' -%}
      {%- set pri_longitude = state_attr(pri_entity, 'longitude') -%}
      {%- set pri_latitude = state_attr(pri_entity, 'latitude') -%}
      {%- set zoom = 16 -%}
      {%- if (pri_longitude == None) or (pri_latitude == None) -%}
        {%- set pri_longitude = state_attr('zone.home', 'longitude') -%}
        {%- set pri_latitude = state_attr('zone.home', 'latitude') -%}
      {%- endif -%}{{zoom}}&size=400x400&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:blue%7Csize:mid%7Clabel:{{pri_pin}}%7C{{pri_latitude}},{{pri_longitude}}&key={{google_api_key}}
    state: >-
      {%- set pri_entity = 'sensor.rod_location' -%}
      {{ states(pri_entity) }}
# Example ui-lovelace.yaml

      - type: picture-entity
        entity: camera.rod_location_google
        name: Google - Rod's Location
        show_state: true


See for help.


Click for Configuration Details

This one zooms the map to show the location of everyone. This example will show the state as either stationary or motion_detected

# Example configuration.yaml entry

  - name: combined_location_mapbox
    platform: person_location
    still_image_url: >-
      {%- set home_longitude = state_attr('zone.home', 'longitude') -%}
      {%- set home_latitude = state_attr('zone.home', 'latitude') -%}
      {%- set sec_entity = 'sensor.rod_location' -%}
      {%- set sec_pin = 'r' -%}
      {%- set sec_longitude = state_attr(sec_entity, 'longitude') |float(0) -%}
      {%- set sec_latitude = state_attr(sec_entity, 'latitude') |float(0) -%}
      {%- if (sec_longitude == 0.0) or (sec_latitude == 0.0) -%}
        {%- set sec_longitude = home_longitude -%}
        {%- set sec_latitude = home_latitude -%}
      {%- endif -%}
      {%- set pri_entity = 'sensor.pam_location' -%}
      {%- set pri_pin = 'p' -%}
      {%- set pri_longitude = state_attr(pri_entity, 'longitude') |float(0) -%}
      {%- set pri_latitude = home_latitude |float(0) -%}
      {%- if (pri_longitude == 0.0) or (pri_latitude == 0.0) -%}
        {%- set pri_longitude = home_longitude -%}
        {%- set pri_latitude = state_attr('zone.home', 'latitude') -%}
      {%- endif -%}
      {%- set min_longitude = [pri_longitude,sec_longitude,home_longitude]|min -%}
      {%- set max_longitude = [pri_longitude,sec_longitude,home_longitude]|max -%}
      {%- set min_latitude = [pri_latitude,sec_latitude,home_latitude]|min -%}
      {%- set max_latitude = [pri_latitude,sec_latitude,home_latitude]|max -%}
      {%- set style = 'mapbox/outdoors-v10' -%}
      {%- if (min_longitude == max_longitude) -%}
      {%- set min_longitude = min_longitude - 0.001 -%}
      {%- set max_longitude = max_longitude + 0.001 -%}
      {%- endif -%}
      {%- if (min_latitude == max_latitude) -%}
      {%- set min_latitude = min_latitude - 0.001 -%}
      {%- set max_latitude = max_latitude + 0.001 -%}
      {%- endif -%}{{style}}/static/pin-s-{{sec_pin}}+2ecc71({{sec_longitude}},{{sec_latitude}}),pin-s-{{pri_pin}}+3498db({{pri_longitude}},{{pri_latitude}})/[{{min_longitude}},{{min_latitude}},{{max_longitude}},{{max_latitude}}]/400x400?logo=false&padding=60,21,14,21&access_token={{mapbox_api_key}}
    state: >-
      {%- set pri_entity_direction = state_attr('sensor.pam_location', 'direction') -%}
      {%- set sec_entity_direction = state_attr('sensor.rod_location', 'direction') -%}
      {%- set combined_state = 'stationary' -%}
      {%- if pri_entity_direction is not none and pri_entity_direction not in ['stationary', 'unknown', 'home'] -%}
        {%- set combined_state = 'motion_detected' -%}
      {%- elif sec_entity_direction is not none and sec_entity_direction not in ['stationary', 'unknown', 'home'] -%}
        {%- set combined_state = 'motion_detected' -%}
      {%- endif -%}
      {{ combined_state }}
# Example ui-lovelace.yaml

      - type: picture-entity
        entity: camera.combined_location_mapbox
        name: Mapbox
        show_state: false
        show_name: true


Click for Configuration Details
# Example configuration.yaml entry

  - name: rod_location_mapbox
    platform: person_location
    still_image_url: >-
      {%- set pri_entity = 'sensor.rod_location' -%}
      {%- set pri_pin = 'r' -%}
      {%- set pri_longitude = state_attr(pri_entity, 'longitude') -%}
      {%- set pri_latitude = state_attr(pri_entity, 'latitude') -%}
      {%- set zoom = 15 -%}
      {%- if (pri_longitude == None) or (pri_latitude == None) -%}
      {%- else -%}
      {%- endif -%}
    state: >-
      {%- set pri_entity = 'sensor.rod_location' -%}
      {{ states(pri_entity) }}
# Example ui-lovelace.yaml

      - type: picture-entity
        entity: camera.rod_location_mapbox
        name: Mapbox - Rod's Location
        show_state: true


Click for Configuration Details

This map is oriented to the individual's direction of travel.

# Example configuration.yaml entry

  - name: rod_location_mapbox_pitched
    platform: person_location
    still_image_url: >-
      {%- set pri_entity = 'sensor.rod_location' -%}
      {%- set pri_pin = 'r' -%}
      {%- set pri_longitude = state_attr(pri_entity, 'longitude') -%}
      {%- set pri_latitude = state_attr(pri_entity, 'latitude') -%}
      {%- set zoom = 14 -%}
      {%- set pitch = 60 -%}
      {%- set bearing = state_attr(pri_entity, 'compass_bearing') -%}
      {%- if (pri_longitude == None) or (pri_latitude == None) -%}
      {%- else -%}
        {%- if (zoom == 'auto') or (bearing == None) -%}
        {%- else -%}
        {%- endif -%}
      {%- endif -%}
    state: >-
      {%- set pri_entity = 'sensor.rod_location' -%}
      {{ states(pri_entity) }}
# Example ui-lovelace.yaml

      - type: picture-entity
        entity: camera.rod_location_mapbox_pitched
        name: Mapbox pitch=60 - Rod's Location
        show_state: true


See for help.


Click for Configuration Details
# Example configuration.yaml entry

  - name: rod_location_mapquest
    platform: person_location
    still_image_url: >-
      {%- set pri_entity = 'sensor.rod_location' -%}
      {%- set pri_pin = 'r' -%}
      {%- set pri_longitude = state_attr(pri_entity, 'longitude') -%}
      {%- set pri_latitude = state_attr(pri_entity, 'latitude') -%}
      {%- set zoom = 16 -%}
      {%- if (pri_longitude == None) or (pri_latitude == None) -%}
      {%- else -%}{{zoom}}&size=400,400&center={{pri_latitude}},{{pri_longitude}}&locations={{pri_latitude}},{{pri_longitude}}|marker-{{pri_pin}}&key={{mapquest_api_key}}
      {%- endif -%}
    state: >-
      {%- set pri_entity = 'sensor.rod_location' -%}
      {{ states(pri_entity) }}
# Example ui-lovelace.yaml

      - type: picture-entity
        entity: camera.rod_location_mapquest
        name: MapQuest - Rod's Location
        show_state: true

Map Card

The map card requires no knowledge of the mapping API's but is limited in how much it can be customized.

See for help.


Click for Configuration Details
# Example ui-lovelace.yaml

      - type: map
          - sensor.rod_location
          - zone.home
        aspect_ratio: 4x4
        default_zoom: 17
        title: Home Assistant Map Card

Lovelace Examples

Show status of the Person Location Integration and allow control of API calls.

# Example ui-lovelace.yaml

# ------------------------------------------------------
      - title: Home Assistant
        type: entities
          - switch.person_location_integration
        show_header_toggle: false
# ------------------------------------------------------

Show all related device trackers and person location information (especially during testing).

# Example ui-lovelace.yaml

# ------------------------------------------------------
      - type: 'custom:vertical-stack-in-card'
# ------------------------------------------------------
        - type: custom:auto-entities
              - entity_id: sensor.rod_location
                  secondary_info: last-changed
              - entity_id: person.rod
                  secondary_info: last-changed
              - domain: device_tracker
                  person_name: 'rod'
                  secondary_info: last-changed
              - domain: sensor
                  person_name: 'rod'
                  secondary_info: last-changed
              - domain: binary_sensor
                  person_name: 'rod'
                  secondary_info: last-changed
            title: Rod's Location Devices
            show_header_toggle: false
            type: entities
        - type: custom:entity-attributes-card
          heading_name: Attribute
          heading_state: Value
              - key: sensor.rod_location.*
              - key: sensor.rod_location.attribution
              - key: sensor.rod_location.friendly_name            
              - key: sensor.rod_location.icon
# ------------------------------------------------------


To enable detailed logging for this custom integration, add the following to configuration.yaml.

  default: warn
    custom_components.person_location: debug