A simplifyed rewrite of the Bento start page
- Load random background image on startup
- Searchbar
- Dark/light mode
- Customizable buttons
- Customizable clock and greet messages
- 4 color modes
Please host on a server to ensure the icons and images load correctly from the configuration.
const config = {
// General
userName: "username",
openInNewTab: false,
imageBackground: false, // You can add images to the backgroundImages array
twelveHourFormat: false,
searchBar: true,
theme: "Original", // Original, Mint, Crimson, Pinky
// Greetings
greetingMorning: "Good morning,",
greetingAfternoon: "Good afternoon,",
greetingEvening: "Good evening,",
greetingNight: "Go to Sleep!",
const buttons = [
// Create buttons here like:
// new Button(
// icon location,
// link
// ),
const backgroundImages = [
// Put paths to background images here.
// If you want to use the background loader,
// just place your images in to the assets/background_images directory
// and leave the path empty in the app.