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Thad House edited this page Jan 4, 2017 · 1 revision

Creating releases has come a long way, mostly it's down to waiting for NuGet builds to refresh. Here are the steps and order. Note if something has not been updated, it's step can be skipped

  1. Tag NativeLibraryUtilities if it has been updated.
  2. Wait for that to update on NuGet (takes about 25 minutes). Update it's dependencies in all repos.
  3. Update native libraries for FRC-OpenCvSharp (Instructions in that repo).
  4. Tag FRC-OpenCvSharp, and push
  5. Tag the following repos in any order, and push both them
    • NetworkTables (Native libraries automatically downloaded)
    • WPILibNativeLibraries (Native libraries automatically downloaded)
  6. Once OpenCv has been published to NuGet, update its reference in CameraServer, then tag and push CameraServer
  7. Wait for all builds and tags to finish, and for them to get pushed and updated on NuGet.
  8. Update dependencies in WPILib, then tag and push it.
  9. Update WPILib-CTRE to the new WPILib dependency, tag and push
  10. Generate a new docs webpage and push that to the pages repo.

Thats everything needed to do a NuGet only release. There is more to update the extension. WIP

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