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DHNLAlgorithm is a framework based on DVAnalysisBase, developed for the displaced-vertex heavy neutral lepton analysis in ATLAS. For installation instructions, see the "Getting Started" section below.

Getting Started

First-time Setup and Installation

Get DHNLAlgorithm with:

lsetup git
git clone --recursive ssh://[email protected]:7999/atlas-phys/exot/ueh/EXOT-2017-19/DHNLAlgorithm.git
cd DHNLAlgorithm

(If you're having trouble with using ssh to clone, please see

To build the directory structure and set up AnalysisBase, simply run


And compile

cd $TestArea
cmake ../source/
make -j
source */  # (wildcard since os and gcc versions may differ)

Future Sessions w/ Same Install

Simply cd DHNLAlgorithm and run source again, or if you prefer:

cd DHNLAlgorithm/build
source */


Go to your run directory and run like one of the below examples. Local runs will be stored in testRun or what ever other directory you name. The interesting ntuples are stored in testRun/data-tree/<filename>.root.


echo /eos/home-d/dhnl/data/EXOT29/mc16_13TeV.311633.Pythia8EvtGen_A14NNPDF23LO_WmuHNL50_10G_lt10dd.deriv.DAOD_EXOT29.e7422_e5984_a875_r11891_r11748_p4482/DAOD_EXOT29.24947839._000010.pool.root.1 > files.txt
# source build/*/ \
--config $WorkDir_DIR/data/DHNLAlgorithm/ \
--inputList \
--files files.txt \
--submitDir testRun \
--force \
--isMC \
--extraOptions="--isDerivation --samplePeriod mc16e" \
--nevents=100 \

WARNING: --samplePeriod mc16e is for rtag: r11891. This must be modified accordingly for mc16a (rtag: r11915) and mc16d (rtag: r11916).


To run on data, simply remove the --isMC flag and change the --samplePeriod option to dataXX, where XX is the data period year.

echo /eos/home-d/dhnl/data/EXOT29/data18_13TeV.00358985.physics_Main.deriv.DAOD_EXOT29.r11969_r11784_p4072_p4491/DAOD_EXOT29.24937680._000183.pool.root.1 > files.txt
# source build/*/ \
--config $WorkDir_DIR/data/DHNLAlgorithm/ \
--inputList \
--files files.txt \
--submitDir testRun \
--force \
--extraOptions="--isDerivation --samplePeriod data18" \
--nevents=100 \


To run a job on the grid, use a command like the one below. --config ../source/DHNLAlgorithm/data/ --files data16_13TeV.00304178.physics_Main.merge.DAOD_RPVLL.r11761_r11764_p4054 --inputRucio prun --optGridMergeOutput 1 --optGridOutputSampleName user.dtrischu.data16_13TeV.00304178.physics_Main.merge.DAOD_RPVLL.r11761_r11764_p4054_HNLNtuple_01 --optGridNGBPerJob 4 

Note: We have been running jobs successfully on the grid, but some settings may not have yet been tested. We would appreciate any feedback you have.

Useful flags

There are several flags that can be used in addition to the example above which control xAODAnaHelpers behaviour. The full list can be found in the xADOAnaHelpers Documentation.

A very useful flag for running smaller tests is --nevents <X> which completes the event loop after running <X> events.

Additional Notes

Migration from NTupleMaker

This code is meant to replace and extend the old NTupleMaker framework while still keeping all required variables present in the output ntuple. Inevitably the name and format of many of the outputs have been changed.

To make migration easier, a spreadsheet specifying those changes has been compiled and can be found here: NTupleMaker to DHNLAlgorithm migration


To perform event selection and analysis on these generated ntuples please see the code repository: DHNLNtupleAnalysis.


Scale factor systematics are output automatically in the nominal tree. Leptons quantites will be stored in an array where the first entry is the nominal, and the following entries correspond to each systematic variation. The systematic labels can be found in the ROOT file stored in data-metadata/ directory. Browse to the systematics TDirectory.

To output the trees for object smearing (in our case currently only leptons) add the following to the --extraOptions string:


This will enable the container flow to be aware of the various "algorithms" used in the previous steps. Please refer to this tutorial for more context.

Running on different vertex containers

If you are trying to use a DAOD_RPVLL that has had vertexing re-run on it then the vertex container name will have been augmented by the AugmentingVersionString in VSI. To get the vertices and tracks from this new container add the following argument to the command:

--extraOptions="--altVSIstr AugmentingVersionString"

where AugmentingVersionString is the name you chose as the AugmentingVersionString during the vertexing re-running. e.g. _Leptons or _2.

This will augment the alternative VSI string in several places in the DHNL algorithm config. e.g:

#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Vertex Matching %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#
"m_inSecondaryVertexContainerName"  : "VrtSecInclusive_SecondaryVertices" + o.VSIstr, 

#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% DHNLNtuple %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%#
"m_secondaryVertexBranchName"    : "secVtx_VSI",
"m_secondaryVertexBranchNameAlt" : "secVtx_VSI" + o.altVSIstr,

The vertex selection and matching is done using the new container as well as the standard VSI container. Vertex and associated track variables are written out to the ntuple as secVtx_VSI* and secVtx_VSI_<altVSIstr>*. For example secVtx_VSI_trk_pt and secVtx_VSI_Leptons_trk_pt.

Updating repository

DHNLAlgorithm depends on submodules which may need to be updated for the framework to build and execute. When updating a repository, a recursive update must be run. Because FactoryTools contains a duplicate of xAODAnaHelpers, a fix must be run when updating modules. Please use the following commands to properly update all modules:

git pull --recurse-submodules
git submodule update --recursive
cd $TestArea/../source/DHNLAlgorithm/deps/DVAnalysisBase
source util/
cd $TestArea

WARNING: Pileup Reweighting

When running on a new Monte Carlo sample you may see an error message from xAODAnaHelpers that says something like

CP::TPileupReweighting... ERROR   Unrecognised channelNumber 311620 for periodNumber 284500

This is likely due to missing pileup reweighting (PRW) files. To fix this, use rucio to find the NTUP_PILEUP file that matches your dataset. Reference the file location in the PRWList field of your configuration file. More information about this can be found at the Extended Pileup Reweighting TWiki page. These PRW files may need to be generated for your dataset.

To turn off the pilue up reweighting add the following argument to the run command:


This will turn off PRW in the BasicEventSelection section of the configuration file by setting m_doPUreweighting = False. But be warned, you will get errors about not having a random run number for the electron and muon calibrators. These errors will not crash the algorithm, but may give you incorrect calibrations. If someone would like to try to debug this in xAODAnaHelpers, I'm sure the fix would be appreciated.

Gritty details

Even if you run on only a sample from a single MC campaign (e.g. mc16a) you must refer to the pileup reweighting files for ALL mc campaigns. Currently that would mean mc16a,d,e. Alternatively you may remove the lumicalc files associated with the missing campaigns.

Continuous intigration and Docker

A simple continuous intigration script has been set up and is run by .gitlab-ci.yml. This will compile the code when any changes are made to source/ and alert you if there are any compilation errors.

A Docker image is also built after each successful compilation that can be downloaded and run as efectively a virtual machine containing the analysis. This is controlled by the Dockerfile.

These processes are still under development.

If you're interested, I recommend these excellent ATLAS workshops on Continuous Integration and Docker.


Part of the analysis software used in my PhD thesis






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Contributors 3
