A decompression and compression library.
Bear in mind that all code samples and the Decomp Library itself are all compiled using
Also to use this simply do:
int main()
// ...
The incryption and decryption are in the stack manipulation namespace:
namespace stack_manipulatioin
[[nodiscard]] auto decryption();
[[nodiscard]] auto encryption();
The interface:
The decryption and encryption functions(the main part of this library) accept a node to decrypt. for instance:
// returns an decrypted node.
node<T> decrypt(node<T>& node_); // decrypt the node.
returns and encrypted node.
node<T> incrypt(node<T>& node_) // encrypt the node.
it is recommended to pass in a program_stack whose variable defininition looks like this:
program_stack<T> p; // should initialize. In core guidlines.
you can then use a spacialised function for a program stack like this:
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] auto go_through_stack_encrypt(program_stack<T>& stack_p)
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] auto go_through_stack_decrypt(program_stack<T>& stack_p)
this then performs all of the work for you. E.g. going through the stack looping over passing a node of the stack to the encrypt or decrypt function.
there is a function decompression that looks like this:
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] auto incryption(node<T>& v_t) -> node<T>
auto x = v_t.data_associated_with_node;
v_t.data_associated_with_node = static_cast<int>(x);
//v_t = v_t.next;
// v_t.current_node = start_node;
and a compression function that looks like this:
template<typename T>
[[nodiscard]] auto decryption(node<T>& v_t) -> node<T>
auto x = static_cast<T>(v_t.data_associated_with_node);
v_t.data_associated_with_node = x;
// v_t = v_t.current_node.next;
There is also a container namespace for all the containers:
namespace containers
template<int T, int... Ts>
struct binary
int bit;
binary<Ts...> bits;
auto output_bits() // just ouputs binary
std::cout << bit;
std::cout << "\nOutputed bit: " << bit;
template<int T>
struct binary<T>
int bit;
auto output_bits()
std::cout << bit;
std::cout << "\nOutputed bit: " << bit;
auto make_binary(auto x) -> int
return static_cast<int>(x);
struct Hash
Hash(auto i)
auto x = make_binary(i);
} // end of namespace containers.
There is also a formatting element to the Decomp library that looks like this:
formt::format f("Hello my name is {}", 'R');
formt::format xyz("Good Afternoon {}", "C++");
formt::format abc("Good Afternoon {}", 42);
or you can just use:
formt::func(/*pass in parameters like would do for object coration*/);
both work the same but just one creates an object and the other one doesnt. But in the objects creation it actually defers the variadic template parameters to the formt::func function. So it doesnt matter what you do. You could allocate it like this:
formt::format* xyz("std::cout << {} << std::endl;", "Hello C++");
and then deallocate the object:
delete xyz;
but this is not advised and a smart pointer like a std::unique pointer should be prefered instead of handling raw pointers. for example:
std::unique_ptr<formt::format>(/*Normal Parameters or constructor aguements*/);
There is also a binary and bits namespace called:
namespace binary_and_bits {/*Implementation...*/}
and it has several containers like:
template<typename T>
struct binary{auto Print();}
// specialisations of binary, e.g., for one and two.
auto make_binary(auto T);
struct one{};
struct two{};