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Flask application template

This is a Flask application template, including:

  • Basic authentication through Flask-Login
  • Cryptography management through passlib
  • Hashids support (see the hashids_hasher object in app/
  • Localization support per user, including timezones, through Flask-Babel
  • Database migrations (Flask-Migrate)
  • CSRF protection for AJAX calls
  • Markdown support (Flask-Misaka)
  • Datetime filter for Jinja templates (see format_datetime function)
  • Asset management through Flask-Assets and external assets through Yarn
  • Default basic and development configurations (see development.cfg and app/
  • Default layout using Bulma
  • Custom macros (render form fields, render pagination controls, etc.)
  • CLI commands (user management, translation)
  • Optional asynchronous tasks through Celery
  • A default file

Getting started

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Modify the package name (remember to also modify, babel.cfg, and to reflect the new directory!)
  3. Install the package in editable mode (virtual environment recommended):
$ pip install -e .
  1. Adjust app/ to add or remove fields to the database
  2. Create the first database migration for the development environment (set the APP_CONFIG environment variable and note that the command may have changed in
$ myapp db init
$ myapp db migrate
  1. Adjust the database migration file and execute it:
$ myapp db upgrade

Note: In the development environment it will be necessary to also install the extras defined in


A script is included to act as shortcut for pybabel. It defines the following commands:

  • compile: compiles all localization files
  • init <lang>: initializes a new translation with the given <lang> code
  • update: updates all message catalogues with strings extracted from the application directory

This script uses the babel.cfg configuration file to specify how strings should be extracted from the project.


External assets are managed through Yarn. In order to install them:

$ cd app/static 
$ yarn

This will download everything into app/static/node_modules.

Internal asset bundles are defined in the init_app() function inside app/ By default, webassets is configured to use libsass and rcssmin for compilation and minification of SCSS files and rjsmin for minification of Javascript files. These assets are compiled into the app/static/dist directory automatically in development environments, but can be manually generated (e.g. prior to distribution) as well:

$ myapp assets build

Note that when distributing the application (either as a source distribution or a binary distribution) only the app/static/dist directory will be included. This means that any source file (e.g. node_modules) will be ignored.


By default, all AJAX requests that could modify data (POST, PUT, etc.) are protected with a CSRF token when the document is loaded. This token is conditionally included in the default layout as follows:

{# CSRF token. Set flag in templates when needed #}
{% if _include_csrf %}
    <meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}"/>
{% endif %}

In order to enable the token, simply extend the layout in a template and set the value of _include_csrf:

{% extends "layout.html" %}

{% set _include_csrf = true %}

{% block content %}
    Content here....
{% endblock %}


The configuration file is loaded on startup from the path defined in the APP_CONFIG environment variable. However, the app/ file contains base and default configuration values in the following dict structures:

  • BASE_CONFIG dict is loaded before the configuration file and should contain default values for required parameters
  • FORCED_CONFIG dict is loaded after the configuration file and should contain any parameter value that should not be changed by the user in their own configuration file

Therefore, configuration is loaded in the following way:

bootstrap.BASE_CONFIG -> config file -> bootstrap.FORCED_CONFIG

The development.cfg file is a Python file in which parameters may be set using a key = value approach. Any Flask extension configuration parameter can be set here (usually in uppercase) and it will be loaded into the application. This file contains comments for every parameter defined in it and can be used as a base for production configurations.


An updated Flask template







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