Facemask Detection in Google Colab with a YOLO network (Darknet) and a faster R-CNN Network (PyTorch). 3 Classes get detected: correctly worn mask, incorrectly worn mask and no worn mask.
- Create a Folder in your Google Drive named yolov3
- Download a Dataset (Kaggle, Moxa3K)
- Execute the jupyter Notebook
- For Testing execute
or for a detection on a video executedetect_video.py
You can usevideo_converter.py
to create a Dataset from the Video, a video to images or images to a video.
Setup and execution PyTorch Source:
- Create a Folder in your Google Drive named rcnn and upload the dataset as a zip.
- Download a Dataset (Kaggle, Moxa3K)
- Execute the jupyter Notebook
There are already pretrained weights of the YOLO (and config file) network and the faster-RCNN network trained on the Kaggle Dataset (Methode same as described in the Report)
All results and problems are stated in the Report
- transforms xml annotations to YOLO format annotations
Usage of main functionxml_to_txt
xml_to_txt(<folder to xml annotations>, <folder to images>, <verbos output True/False>)
- transforms xml annotations to YOLO format annotations
- Detects images with the trained YOLO Model Usage of main function 'run_detection':
run_detection(<dnn model>, <classes>, <path to images>, <output path>, plot_gt=<True/False>, #Plots GT ontop of prediction create_result_txt=<True/False> #create result txt files for later map Calculation )
- Detects video with the trained YOLO Model
Usage of main function 'detect_video':
detect_video("<path to input video>, <output path>, frame_rate=<int, framerate of result video>)
- Detects video with the trained YOLO Model
- Detects images with the trained Tensorflow Model (No pretrained weights available and no train notebook)
Usage of main function 'run_detection':
run_detection(<path to images>, <output path>, plot_gt=<True/False>, #Plots GT ontop of prediction create_result_txt=<True/False> #create result txt files for later map Calculation )
- Detects images with the trained Tensorflow Model (No pretrained weights available and no train notebook)
Usage of main function 'run_detection':
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