Use the instructions in GitHub to clone this repository to your desktop using git or subversion
To sucsessfully compile and run this exercise the following is required to run in a command shell:
- JDK (Java Development Kit) 1.8 or higher
- Maven
After cloning the repository, use maven to build the exercise by running the following command in a command shell:
mvn clean verify
This application parses out the name, phone number and email address from a sample business card text.
The exercise requires a single String argument with line breaks surrounded by open/closed quotes, for example:
"Foobar Technologies
Analytic Developer
Lisa Haung
1234 Sentry Road
Columbia, MD 12345
Phone: (410) 555-1234
Fax: 410-555-4321
[email protected]"
To run the exercise, pass the String argument to the command line as follows:
java -cp target/business-card-parser-1.0.jar org.fivelands.parser.Main "Foobar Technologies
>Analytic Developer
>Lisa Haung
>1234 Sentry Road
>Columbia, MD 12345
>Phone: (410) 555-1234
>Fax: 410-555-4321
>[email protected]