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Folders and files

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This Terraform module sets up some prerequisites for running tests using Test Kitchen and inSpec as configured in Cloud Foundation Toolkit Terraform modules.

What is created by this module:

  • A folder to contain projects and resources created during testing. This folder is created within a parent folder, which must be passed in as a variable.

  • A host project in the folder with required services enabled.

  • A service account in the host project.

  • Permissions for the service account to create new projects in the folder, and to associate them with the billing account.


Name Description Type Default Required
billing_id ID of billing account to associate with projects. string yes
folder_admin_roles Roles assigned to folder admins, if defined. list(string) [] no
folder_admins Optional member names of folder admins. list(string) [] no
parent_folder_id ID of parent folder in which dedicated test folder will be created. string yes
organization_id ID of organization. string yes
name Base name given to resources in module. string yes


Name Description
billing_id ID of billing account.
folder_id ID of created folder.
host_project_id ID of host project containing service account.
organization_id ID of organization.
service_account_email Email address of service account.

Example Usage

Create a tfvars file:

billing_id        = "CFP509-JTZ984-NHJ63Q"
parent_folder_id  = "2505152174137"
organization_id   = "064020049231"
name              = "tk-base"

Then run:

terraform init
terraform plan -out tfapply -var-file vars.tfvars
terraform apply tfapply

Testing with Test Kitchen

Follow the instructions at terraform-google-module-template to create a module that follows the CFT conventions. The module will contain a Makefile which has targets for running tests using Test Kitchen and inSpec. These targets use docker run, so Docker must be installed.

You'll need to generate a key file for the service account. The host project ID and email address of the service account are outputs of this module. Use them in the following commands:

gcloud set project ${host_project_id}
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create credentials.json --iam-account ${service_account_email}

In the folder containing credentials.json, run the following to set some required environment variables, again using outputs of the Terraform module:

export TF_VAR_billing_account=${billing_account_id}
export TF_VAR_org_id=${organization_id}
export TF_VAR_folder_id=${folder_id}
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON=`cat credentials.json`

Prepare for tests by creating a new project:

make docker_test_prepare

Then run the integration tests. This creates fixtures defined in ./test/fixtures, runs inSpec tests defined in ./test/integration, and then removes the fixtures.

make docker_test_integration

Finally, clean up the project.

make docker_test_cleanup


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