This is an Amazon Product Scraper
built using scapy
module of python
it scrape various things
- Product Title
- Product Image
- Product Price
- Product Rating
- Product Description
- Product Reviews
- Product Brand
- Product Colour (for educational purpose)
By default it scrapes Mobile Phones
of 5 Pages
from Amazon
In case you want to change it to scrape other product, follow the instructions
- Open file
- Change the
list at line16
- Update
variable to change number of pages to be scraped
there are two ways to execute scraper
you can directly execute
file using shell
sh ./
you can execute the following command
scrapy crawl amazon_scraper -o ./data/data.json
It will create data.json
file inside the data
folder containing all the scraped data in JSON
format and all the images will be saved in data/img/full
Already fetched sample data is available in data
If data.json
file doesn't generate in proper format then just delete data.json
file and img
Now you good to go ;)
- you have to install
- you have to install
Due to COVID19 there is no display of price of products on amazon and also amazon changes some css style for the site that's why it will not scraping some products and not working fine. Wait for the update
Created with ❤️ by Rishabh Sharma