FoxScrap is a website which show mobiles phone price from different ecommerce site like Flipkart and Amazon. It also show the specification of products.
To run this repository clone or download using above link.
- Python-3.6
- Django-1.9
Create a python virtual environment for the prokject
$ python3 -m env foxscrap-env
$ cd foxscrap-env
$ source bin/activate
Now after activating environment we install djnago in it.
$ pip install django==1.9
Go the location where you download this repo
$ cd webapp
Run the server
$ python runserver
After you open localhost go to /products
You will see this login interface
You can sign up for a new account or use(email- [email protected] pswd- eliot)
After SignIn index page will open:
When you click on an Product its detail will open
Amazon.json and flipkart.json are files which was created by using webscraping. (educational purpose only) You can see olddata file for see the original json file.
For deployment I used python anywhere which is free you can see its website for more information. Link of Live website
Created with ❤️