Buoyant is a library for writing and rendering SwiftUI-like views in Rust,
primarily intended for use on no_std
memory-constrained embedded systems.
Get started with the Book.
: A basic fixed-sizechar
buffer. Does not respect graphemes. This is primarily useful for testing and debugging.CrossTerm
: Renders colored character-pixels to a terminal using thecrossterm
Here's what an animated toggle button component could look like, implemented with Buoyant:
fn toggle_button(is_on: bool) -> impl EmbeddedGraphicsView<Rgb565> {
let alignment = if is_on {
} else {
let color = if is_on { Rgb565::GREEN } else { Rgb565::RED };
.padding(Edges::All, 2),
.frame_sized(50, 25)
.animated(Animation::ease_in_out(Duration::from_millis(500)), is_on)
Static layout and animation between layouts are relatively feature-complete, aside from transitions. You should be able to construct most desired layouts and animations.
- Stacks of heterogeneous views (VStack, HStack, ZStack)
- Stacks of homogeneous views (ForEach) - partial, vertical only
- Common SwiftUI primitives (Spacer, Divider)
- Conditional views, with match variable binding
- Monospaced Text (whitespace-based line breaking)
- Images (fixed size)
- Interruptible Animations + Curves
- Common embedded-graphics shape primitives
- Simulated alpha and antialiasing
- Transitions
- Shape stroke/fill
- Shape styles (e.g. gradients)
- Canvas for arbitrary path/shape/raster drawing
No interactivity or state management currently exists, but it is the next major planned feature.
- State management
- Click/tap routing
- Focus management + keyboard input (Text input view)
This project could be used in production by the brave, but is probably better suited for hobby projects at this point. It's significantly better than dealing with raw embedded-graphics. If you're familiar with SwiftUI, you should feel especially at home.
Licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.