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rikedyp edited this page Aug 21, 2019 · 4 revisions

APLPhys project overview


  • APLPhys
  • MiPhys
    • MiServer MiSite
    • Interactively play with live-rendered simulations
    • Modify aplphys input, run simulations and receive output
    • Demos
      • LJmelt
      • BrazilNut

Wish list / TODO / TODocument

  • CreateAtoms
    • Number of atoms
    • Box dimensions
    • Initial conditions
      • Load positions from file
      • Load velocities from file
      • Set as 0 or random
    • 2D
      • Random
      • Hexagonal lattice
      • Square grid
    • 3D
      • Random
      • FCC
      • BCC
  • Verlet
    • Velocity-verlet integration scheme
    • Optional thermostat?
    • Operator
      • Force calculator operand
      • Previous state argument
      • Next state result
  • Lennard-Jones
    • Cutoff distance
    • LJ units (kB=1, m=1 etc.)
  • Thermostat
    • Berendsen
    • Anderson
    • Nosé-Hoover
    • Nosé-Poincaré
  • Hooke
    • Simulate masses on springs
    • Choose stiffness, resistance parameters
  • Pendula
    • Single pendulum
    • Double pendulum
  • MonteCarloNeutron
    • Monte Carlo particle penetration
    • Measured constants / parameters
  • Input Hamiltonians and derive integrators using AutoDiff
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