Finds rich text in strings, ex: links, mentions, emails, your own parser, in an non overlapping way to prevent dubble matching.
import {richStringParser} from 'rich-string-parser'
import {emailParser} from 'rich-string-parser/lib/parsers/email-parser'
import {linkParser} from 'rich-string-parser/lib/parsers/link-parser'
const result = richStringParser(
' text [email protected] more text',
[emailParser(), linkParser()],
// log result
/* [
type: 'LinkParser',
match: '',
index: 0,
subIndex: 0
' text ',
type: 'EmailParser',
match: '[email protected]',
index: 37,
subIndex: 37
' more text'
] */
required parameters
"type": "", // uniq for each parser
"match": "", // result from parser
"index": 0, // where match is found based on whole string
"subIndex": 0 // where match is found based on parsed substring
Matches on @(number|string)
, @(9712|John)
Without mention type:
type: 'MentionParser',
match: '@(9712|John)',
id: 9712,
name: 'John',
index: 0,
subIndex: 0,
target: undefined
With mention type provided:
type: 'MentionParser',
match: '@(0|Testgroupchatroom|group)',
id: 0,
name: 'Testgroupchatroom',
index: 0,
subIndex: 0,
target: 'group'
Matches on [email protected]
type: 'EmailParser',
match: '[email protected]',
index: 0,
subIndex: 0,
Matches on
type: 'LinkParser',
match: '',
index: 0,
subIndex: 0,
Create a function that retrurns a Parser
interface with a custom string in generic type, example Parser<'HashtagParser'>
Implemente the required return object function parse
function hashtagParser(): Parser<'HashtagParser'> {
const regex: RegExp = /(#[a-z\d-]+)/gi
return {
parse: (text, index) => {
const result = regex.exec(text)
if (result === null) return null
return {
type: 'HashtagParser',
match: result[0],
index: index + result.index, // don't forget to add the global index
subIndex: result.index,