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About this bundle

This bundle is inspired from oldSoundRabbitMqBundle and will help you to build asynchronous services using RabbitMq message broker.

How to install

  1. Install [Composer] (
  2. Run composer require revinate/rabbitmq-bundle and then composer update revinate/rabbitmq-bundle
  3. It is wise to anchor the version to latest tag rather than "dev-master"

Before you use this bundle, read up on:

  1. RabbitMq Concepts
  2. [Some other resources] ( (Optional)


This bundle depends upon php-amqplib/php-amqplib. There is currently a crashing issue on shutdown with versions between 2.4 and 2.6.3. There is an underlying PHP bug that causes the crash. We have submitted a pull request to php-amqplib with a workaround.

Until our pull request goes through, you will need to add the following to your composer file:

    "repositories": [
            "type": "vcs",
            "url": ""

How to use this Bundle

  1. brew install rabbitmq to install RabbitMq

  2. Open app/AppKernel.php and add following line to registerBundles() method new Revinate\RabbitMqBundle\RevinateRabbitMqBundle()

  3. Configure rabbitMq Connection config in config_dev.yml, config_prod.yml and config_test.yml.

                user:     'myuser'
                password: 'mypassword'
                host:     ''
                vhost:    '/default'
  4. Create a new config called rabbitmq.yml in app/config directory and add the import to app/config/config.yml:

        - { resource: rabbitmq.yml }
  5. Now setup Exchanges, Queues, Consumers and Producers. If you are not sure what those terms mean, please go back to reading material given above 😃

    Here is a sample rabbitmq.yml file

            log.tx: { connection: myConnection }
            events.tx: { connection: myConnection }
            error_log_q: { exchange: log.tx, routing_keys: ['error.log'] }
            error_log: { exchange: log.tx }
            error_log: { queue: error_log_q,  callback: revinate.rabbitmq.LogEventConsumer, batch_size: 10, buffer_wait: 400, idle_timeout: 2 }

    Setup: Run this command revinate:rabbitmq:setup to create exchanges and queues in rabbitmq cluster. You can check to view created exchanges and queues.

    • Exchanges: Exchanges array defines all exchanges to be used. Here are the various properties an exchange can be defined with:

      • connection: Connection to use. (Required)
      • type: Can be direct, fanout or topic. Default: topic
      • passive: If set server raises an error if exchange is not declared. Default: false.
      • managed: If false, exchange is not managed by this bundle. Default: true . Set this option to false if you are not responsible to create/delete this exchange.
      • durable: Durable exchanges remain active when a server restarts. Default: true
      • auto_delete: If set, the exchange is deleted when all queues have finished using it. Default: false
      • internal: If set, the exchange may not be used directly by publishers, but only when bound to other exchanges. Default: false
      • nowait: If set, the server will not respond to declare method. Default: false
    • Queues: Queues array defines all queues to be used. Here are the various properties a queue can be defined with:

      • exchange: Exchange to which this queue is bound to. (Required)
      • routing_keys: Routing keys to which this queue should be bound to. Default: #.
      • passive: If set server raises an error if queue is not declared. Default: false.
      • exclusive: Exclusive queues may only be accessed by the current connection, and are deleted when that connection closes. Default: false
      • managed: If false, queue is not managed by this bundle. Default: true . Set this option to false if you are not responsible to create/delete this queue.
      • durable: Durable queues remain active when a server restarts. Default: true
      • auto_delete: If set, the queue is deleted when all consumers have finished using it. Default: false
      • nowait: If set, the server will not respond to declare method. Default: false
      • arguments: Queue specific arguments. Read up on Per Queue TTL and Deadletter Exchanges to checkout possible arguments.
    • Producers: Producers array defines all producers. Here are the various properties a producer can be defined with:

      • exchange: Exchange to which this producer will send message to. (Required)
      • encoder: Encoder service to use to encode messages. Default: revinate.rabbit_mq.encoder.json
        • You can define your own encoder by creating a service that implements EncoderInterface
    • Consumers: Consumers array defines all message consumers. Here are the various properties a consumer can be defined with:

      • queue: Queue from which this consumer should consume from. (Required)
      • queues: Instead of a single queue, a consumer can consume from multiple queues. This can be an array of queues. Either queue or queues needs to be set.
      • callback: Callback service to call when message arrives. (Required)
      • callbacks: If you have set queues, you need to setup callback for each of the queues. This can be an array of callbacks.
        • Callback service should either implement ConsumerInterface or BatchConsumerInterface.
        • Callback service can implement ContainerAwareInterface in order to get access to Container.
      • idle_timeout: If there is nothing in queue, consumer will quit in these many seconds. Default: 0 which means never.
      • qos_options: Following qos options are supported. [Great post on QO] Options(
        • prefetch_size: Size limit of messages to prefetch. Default: 0 or no limit
        • prefetch_count: Number of messages to prefetch. Default: 0 or no limit
          • Note that for batch consumer, prefetch_count is overridden to consumer target size in order to avoid certain unexpected batch processing behavior.
        • global: If set to true, these settings are shared by all consumers. Default: false
      • batch_size: Number of messages to process in bulk. If you use this option, your consumer callback should implement BatchConsumerInterface which accepts a batch of messages at a time. You can ack/nack these messages in one go. Useful if you want to do bulk operations on a set of messages. Default: null or 1.
        • If batch_size is set, qos:prefetch_count is set to batch_size
        • When batch consumer starts, the batch size starts from 1 and doubles every tick to reach batch_size. This is done in order to avoid cases when queue has messages less than the batch_size.
      • buffer_wait: Number of milliseconds to wait for buffer to get full before flushing. This should be set carefully. It should small enough that your consumer is not waiting for buffer to get full and large enough that you are processing batch_size number of messages. Default: 1000ms.
      • message_class: Custom Message class. You can extend Message class to define your own message class to use. Default: Message
      • decoder: Decoder service to use to decode messages. Default: revinate.rabbit_mq.decoder.json
        • You can define your own decoder by creating a service that implements DecoderInterface
  6. Produce Messages

    • You can access your defined producers using revinate_rabbit_mq.producer.<producer_name> service syntax.

    • Example: error_log producer defined above can be accessed as following:

         $producer = $this->getContainer()->get('revinate_rabbit_mq.producer.error_log')
    • Publish Messages:

      $producer->publish("This is a log", "error.log");
    • Republish Messages:

      $producer->rePublish(Revinate\RabbitMqBundle\Message\Message $message);
    • Dynamic Producer:

      • You can get a dynamic producer which can publish to multiple exchanges like this:

        $producer = $this->getContainer()->get('revinate.rabbit_mq.base_producer');
        $exchange1 = $this->getContainer()->get(''); 
        $exchange2 = $this->getContainer()->get(''); 
        // Set Exchange
        $producer->publish("log", "error.log");
        // Switch Exchange
        $producer->publish("event", "error.event");
  7. Consume Messages

    • Callback service should either implement ConsumerInterface or BatchConsumerInterface.

    • Callback service can implement ContainerAwareInterface in order to get access to Container.

    • Consumer Example:

      class LogEventConsumer implements ConsumerInterface, ContainerAwareInterface {
          /** @var  ContainerInterface */
          protected $container;
           * @param \Revinate\RabbitMqBundle\Message\Message $message
           * @return int[]
          public function execute($message) {
              return DeliveryResponse::MSG_ACK;;
    • Batch Consumer Example:

      class LogEventConsumer implements BatchConsumerInterface, ContainerAwareInterface {
          /** @var  ContainerInterface */
          protected $container;
           * @param \Revinate\RabbitMqBundle\Message\Message[] $messages
           * @return int[]
          public function execute($messages) {
              $statuses = array();
              foreach ($messages as $message) {
                  $statuses[] = DeliveryResponse::MSG_ACK;
              return $statuses;
           * @param ContainerInterface $container
          public function setContainer(ContainerInterface $container = null) {
              $this->container = $container;
  8. RPC

        // Producer that publishes to the exchange server is listening on 
        $producer = $this->getContainer()->get("revinate_rabbit_mq.producer.test_producer");
        $rpcConsumer = new RPCConsumer($producer);
        // Client Request with message data and routing key that server listens on
        $queue = $rpcConsumer->call("RPC Message", "rpc.message");
        // Server Reply (Done by Server)
        // Client Consume which blocks until timeout to receive response 
        $rpcConsumer->consume($queue, 5 /* timeout */, function(Message $message) {
            // Process Response

Legacy Support for < Symfony 2

  1. Create a rabbitmq.yml file anywhere in your codebase. Here is a sample file:

                user:     'myuser'
                port:     5672
                vhost:    '/myhost'
                lazy:     true
                        password: 'mypassword'
                        host:     ''
                        password: 'mypassword'
                        host:     ''
                        password: 'mypassword'
                        host:     ''
            log.tx: { connection: app }
            error_log_q: { exchange: log.tx, routing_keys: ['error.log'] }
            error_log: { exchange: log.tx }
            error_log: { queue: error_log_q,  callback: LogEventConsumer, batch_size: 10, buffer_wait: 400, idle_timeout: 2 }
  2. Setup Exchanges, Queues

    php setup.php dev-local
  3. Create a service container class called RabbitMqServiceContainer which will act like a Container from Symfony2

        class RabbitMqServiceContainer {
            public static function getInstance() {
                return ServiceContainer::getInstance(sfConfig::get('sf_environment'),  __DIR__ . "/rabbitmq.yml");
  4. Producing Messages

 $producer = RabbitMqServiceContainer::getInstance()->getProducer("error_log");
 $producer->publish("This is a log", 'error.log');
  1. Consuming Messages
    • You can write a single cli script which can take a consumer name and work for all consumers in your config.

    • Consumer command line script:

        // $consumerName and $prefetchCount can be taken as command line parameters
        $consumer = RabbitMqServiceContainer::getInstance()->getConsumer($consumerName);
        try {
        } catch (PhpAmqpLib\Exception\AMQPTimeoutException $e) {
        } catch (PhpAmqpLib\Exception\AMQPIOWaitException $e) {
    • A consumer callback is implemented the same way it is done for Symfony2.