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Analytics Bundle




Add following to your composer.json

    "revinate/analytics-bundle": "dev-master" 

How to Use This Bundle

  • Create a Data Source class which extends Analytics
  • Create Filter Sources and Custom Filters if required
  • Check \Example folder to see few examples of how to use this bundle

Data Source

  • Data Source is a class that exposes certain metrics, dimensions and filters that can be used to query stats
  • It is backed by one or more Elastic Search Indices
  • You will be able to query stats from one data source at a time
  • All Data Sources extend Analytics Class, therefore they implement Metrics, Dimensions and Filters that can work on this data source
  • Below you will go through documentation on how to define this interface


  • A metric represents a single numerical value
  • A metric has a name which is a human readable name and field which is the field name in ElasticSearch using which we calculate this metric
  • A metric can be defined with a filter
  • All Metrics are defined in getMetrics() method of AnalyticsInterface
  • Example Metrics: PageViews, PageVisits, ReviewCount, AverageReviewRating
  • Metric can be of following types
    • Metric: Calculated from ElasticSearch data
    • ProcessedMetric: Calculated from other Metrics


  • A dimension is equivalent to Group By in Mysql. When you define a dimension, you can get stats per dimension value.
  • A dimension has a name which is a human readable name and field which is the field name in ElasticSearch which represents this dimension
  • All dimensions are defined in getDimension() method of AnalyticsInterface
  • Example Dimensions: accountId, userId, gender, dateCreated
  • A dimension can be of following types
    • Dimension: Normally used for String fields
    • RangeDimension: Normally used for Numeric fields where you can define custom ranges
    • HistogramDimension: Normally used for Numeric fields where you can define fixed dimension intervals
    • DateRangeDimension: Normally used for date or datetime fields where you can define custom date ranges
    • DateHistogramDimension: Normally used for date or datetime fields where you can define fixed dimension intervals in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks or years

Filter Sources

  • A Filter Source defines a filter that can be queried via REST
  • Filter source should be defined if you want your stats filterable on that source.
  • A filter source extends AbstractFilterSource class which requires you to implement following methods:
    • getReadableName(): Human readable filter name
    • get($id): Returns Result by given id
    • getByQuery($query, $page, $pageSize): Returns an array of Result by string search query
    • getEntityName($entity): Returns entity name given entity object. Here entity can be your database php object
    • getEntityId($entity): Returns entity id given entity object
  • A filter source can also extend AbstractMySQLFilterSource which assumes that filter source is stored in MySQL . Apart from above methods, you need to implement following methods too:
    • getModel(): Returns model path in format MyBundle:Entity
  • Example Filter Sources: AccountFilterSource, UserFilterSource, GenderFilterSource

Custom Filters

  • Custom Filters complement Filter Sources where the filter are note based on some external source
  • Custom Filters need to implement AbstractCustomFilter to expose themselves via REST API. They need to implement following methods:
    • getName(): Returns non human readable name for filter
    • getFilter(): Returns an \Elastica\Filter\AbstractFilter instance


  • Checkout ViewAnalytics implementation for Data Source example
  • Checkout Tests for querybuilder and api examples

Query DSL

You can also use Query DSL to get stats against any data source

####QueryBuilder Example:

$elastica = $this->getContainer()->get('elastica.client');
$analytics = new PageViewAnalytics($this->get('service_container'));

$qb = new QueryBuilder($elastica, $analytics);
$qb->addDimensions(array("domain", "http_method"))
    ->addMetrics(array("totalViews", "totalGets", "totalPosts"))
    ->setFilter(new \Elastica\Filter\Terms("domain", array("")))
    ->setSort(array("totalViews", "asc"))

$resultSet = $qb->execute();
$stats = $resultSet->getNested();

####BulkQueryBuilder Example:

$elastica = $this->getContainer()->get('elastica.client');
$analytics = new PageViewAnalytics($this->get('service_container'));

$bulkQb = new BulkQueryBuilder();
$qb1 = new QueryBuilder($elastica, $analytics);
$qb2 = new QueryBuilder($elastica, $analytics);
$qb1->addDimensions(array("domain", "http_method"))
    ->addMetrics(array("totalViews", "totalGets"));
$qb2->addDimensions(array("domain", "http_method"))
    ->addMetrics(array("totalViews", "totalGets"));


// Results
$resultSets = $bulkQb->execute();
$stats = $resultSets[0]->getNested();

// Comparator Results
$compSet = $bulkQb->getComparatorSet(Percentage::TYPE /* Type of comparator */);
$compResults = $compSet->getNested();

Get Documents using QueryBuilder:

$elastica = $this->getContainer()->get('elastica.client');
$analytics = new PageViewAnalytics($this->get('service_container'));

$qb = new QueryBuilder($elastica, $analytics);
$qb->setFilter(new \Elastica\Filter\Terms("domain", array("")))
   ->setSort(array("totalViews" => "desc"))
$resultSet = $qb->execute();
$documents = $resultSet->getDocuments();


  • Add following config to project's config.yml
        <source name>: { class:  <class path> }
    api: { path: <rest api path> }


        page_view: { class: \Revinate\AnalyticsBundle\Analytics\PageView }
        review: { class: \Revinate\AnalyticsBundle\Analytics\Review }
    api: { path: '/api/analytics/' }

Note: default value of path.api is /api/analytics/

  • Add the following to your routing.yml file
    resource: .
    type: revinate_analytics
  • Clear cache and you should be able to see following new routes using console router:debug | grep revinate_analytics

List Data Sources API

Route Name: revinate_analytics_source_list Example Request:

GET /api/analytics/source

Example: GET /api/analytics/source

Example Response:

  "page_view": {
    "name": "page_view",
    "_link": {
      "uri": "",
      "method": "GET"
  "review": {
    "name": "review",
    "_link": {
      "uri": "",
      "method": "GET"

Get Data Source API

Route Name: revinate_analytics_source_get Example Request:

GET /api/analytics/{sourcename}/source

Example: GET /api/analytics/page_view/source

Example Response:

  "dimensions": [
      "name": "all"
      "name": "domain"
      "name": "http_method"
  "metrics": [
      "name": "totalViews"
      "name": "totalGets"
      "name": "totalPosts"
  "filterSources": [
      "name": "User",
      "field": "user_id"
      "name": "Domain",
      "field": "domain"
  "customFilters": [],
  "_links": { # More info about how to query stats and filter sources
    "stats": {
    "filters": {

Query Filter Source API

Route Name: revinate_analytics_filter_query Example Request:

GET /api/analytics/source/{sourcename}/filter/{filtername}/option

Example: GET /api/analytics/source/page_view/filter/domain/hotel

Example Response:

		"id": "123",
		"name": ""
		"id": "125",
		"name": ""	

Stats API

Route Name: revinate_analytics_stats_search

POST /api/analytics/source/{sourcename}/stats
    "dimensions": ["dimension1", "dimension2", ...],
    "metrics": ["metric1", "metric2", ...],
    "filters": {
        "filter1": [<filterType>, "filterValue"],
        "filter2": [<filterType>, "filterValue"],
        # filterType can be "value", "range", "exists", "missing", "custom"
    "dateRange" : ["period"|"range", "period name", "field"] # Optional. Adds a date filter and sets extended bounds for dateHistogram dimensions. "field" specifies which field holds the date information, defaults to date.
    "sort": {"field": "direction"}, # ElasticSearch sort option compatibility. direction is either "asc" or "desc"
    "flags": {
        "nestedDimensions": false # true/false. Defaults to false
        "enableInfo": true # true/false. Defaults to true. Override to disable or enable "_info" key for each bucket
    "format": "nested", # nested (default), raw, flattened, tabular, google_data_table, documents
    "dimensionAggregate": { # Optional. Calculates a single result as an aggregation of the dimension buckets
      "type": "average",    #The type of calculation to perform. Supported: average, ranked, ranked_reversed
      "info": 100           #Extra information for the aggregate. In the case of average, it is the expected number of buckets to be returned
    "goals": {"my_metric_1": 10, "my_metric_2": 100}, # Optional. Map of goals for your metrics,
    "context": { # any key-value pair list
      "key1": "value1",
      "key2": "value2"

Note: When format is set to documents, fulltext documents are returned rather than the stats Example Request:

POST /api/analytics/source/page_view/stats -d
    "dimensions": ["all", "domain"],
    "metrics": ["totalViews", "totalGets", "totalPosts"],
    "filters": {
        "userId": ["value", 10223],
        "date": ["range", {"from": "2015-04-01", "to": "2015-04-30"}]
    "sort": { "totalViews": "asc"},
    "flags": {
        "nestedDimensions": false
    "format": "nested"

Example Response:

	"all": {
		"totalViews": 10323,
		"totalGets": 8023,
	    "totalPosts": 1800
	"domain" : {
	    "": {
		    "totalViews": 323,
		    "totalGets": 301,
			"totalPosts": 18
	    "": {
		    "totalViews": 1323,
		    "totalGets": 1201,
			"totalPosts": 98

Bulk Stats API

Route Name: revinate_analytics_bulk_stats_search

POST /api/analytics/source/{sourcename}/bulkstats
	"queries": {
		    "dimensions": ["dimension1", "dimension2", ...],
		    "metrics": ["metric1", "metric2", ...],
		    "filters": {...}
		    "sort": {"field": "direction"}, # ElasticSearch sort option compatibility. direction is either "asc" or "desc"
		    "dimensions": ["dimension1", "dimension2", ...],
		    "metrics": ["metric1", "metric2", ...],
		    "filters": {...}
			"sort": {"field": "direction"}, # ElasticSearch sort option compatibility. direction is either "asc" or "desc"
    "flags": {
        "nestedDimensions": false # flags are common for all queries
    "format": "nested", # format is common for all queries
    "dimensionAggregate": "average", # Optional. Supported: average, ranked, ranked_reversed
    "comparator": "change" # Optional. null (default), change, percentage, index . Returns comparison between multiple queries,
    "goals": {"my_metric_1": 10, "my_metric_2": 100}, # this is optional map of goals for your metrics
    "context": { # any key-value pair list
      "key1": "value1",
      "key2": "value2"

Response Format:

			"all": {
				"totalViews": 10323,
				"totalGets": 8023,
			    "totalPosts": 1800
			"domain" : {
			    "": {
				    "totalViews": 323,
				    "totalGets": 301,
					"totalPosts": 18
			    "": {
				    "totalViews": 1323,
				    "totalGets": 1201,
					"totalPosts": 98
			"all": {
				"totalViews": 10323,
				"totalGets": 8023,
			    "totalPosts": 1800
			"domain" : {
			    "": {
				    "totalViews": 323,
				    "totalGets": 301,
					"totalPosts": 18
			    "": {
				    "totalViews": 1323,
				    "totalGets": 1201,
					"totalPosts": 98
	"comparator": {
		"0": {
			# Comparison between the two queries

Documents API

Route Name: revinate_analytics_document_search

POST /api/analytics/source/{sourcename}/documents
  "filters": {...}
  "sort": {"field": "direction"}, # ElasticSearch sort option compatibility. direction is either "asc" or "desc"
  "size": 10,
  "offset": 0

Response Format:

    "device": "ios",
    "browser": "chrome",
    "siteId": 1,
    "views": 6,
    "date": "2015-08-09T01:19:14+00:00"
    "device": "ios",
    "browser": "opera",
    "siteId": 7,
    "views": 5,
    "date": "2015-07-09T01:19:14+00:00"

Docker local deployment

You will need to have VirtualBox installed

brew install docker docker-machine docker-compose
docker-machine create -d virtualbox analytics-bundle

At this point you may need to reboot, because VirtualBox tends to loose network routing connectivity because routing rules for vboxnet* mysteriously disappear.

eval $(docker-machine env analytics-bundle)
composer install
docker-compose rm -f
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

This will run testsuite. And each time you change code you will have to do these three steps, because somewhy docker-compose magically caches old code in old images.

docker-compose rm -f
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

To develop locally against Docker Elasticsearch

add port forwarding rules to docker-compose.yml, so, that it says:

  image: elasticsearch:1.7.3
    - "9200:9200"

modify you /etc/hosts adding DOCKER_HOST (which should normally be, but it is worth itself to verify by doing docker-machine env analytics-bundle elasticsearch

and then

docker-compose up -d

Run tests in Docker

docker-compose build
docker-compose run analytics-bundle