This gem provide a ruby wrapper to the Saasu api.
Originally started by Keiran Johnson this version of the Saasu library was forked and is now maintained by Agworld Pty Ltd. It has a significant number of new features including creating and updating of Saasu entities.
gem install saasu
Firstly setup the library with your api_key and file_uid
Saasu::Base.api_key = key
Saasu::Base.file_uid = uid
To fetch all invoices
invoices = Saasu::Invoice.all
By default all sales purchases are retrieved as this field is required.
You can pass in any conditions as a hash. The keys should be in snake case.
invoices = Saasu::Invoice.all(:transaction_type => "p", :paid_status => "Unpaid")
For a complete list of supported options see the Saasu API Reference
To fetch a single invoice by its uid
invoice = Saasu::Invoice.find(uid)
To create a contact
sc =
sc.given_name = "firstname"
sc.family_name = "lastname"
sc.email_address = "email" = "email"
sc.mobile_phone = "mobile"
response = Saasu::Contact.insert(sc)
You can also add multiple contacts at once by passing an array of Saasu::Contacts to the insert method
c1 = => "firstname", :family_name => "lastname")
c2 = => "firstname", :family_name => "lastname")
contacts_array = [c1, c2]
response = Saasu::Contact.insert(contacts_array)
To add an invoice
i =
i.uid = "0"
i.transaction_type = "S" ="%Y-%m-%d")
i.layout = "S"
i.status = "I"
i.invoice_number = "<Auto Number>"
i.invoice_type = "Sale Invoice"
i.summary = "Summary"
i.notes = "Notes"
#optionally associate with a contact
i.contact_uid = contact.saasu_uid
fee =
fee.description = "fee description"
fee.account_uid = account_uid #e.g. 45555995
fee.total_amount_incl_tax = 100.0
i.invoice_items = [fee] #add as many line items to this array as needed
#optionally add trading terms (see API reference)
tt =
tt.type = 1
tt.interval = 0
tt.interval_type = 0
i.trading_terms = tt
#optionally include an email message to include with the invoice
email = = "[email protected]"
email.from = "[email protected]"
email.subject = "Subject"
email.body = "Email body"
#optionally add payments
qp =
qp.date_paid ="%Y-%m-%d")
qp.banked_to_account_uid = account_uid #e.g. 302934848
qp.amount = 100.0
qp.summary = "auto entered: payment"
i.quick_payment = [qp]
# if you'd like to insert *and* email and invoice to the contact
response = Saasu::Invoice.insert_and_email(i, email, Setting.conference[:email_template].to_i)
# of to just insert the invoice
response = Saasu::Invoice.insert(i)
To retrieve a pdf of an invoice
Saasu::Invoice.get_pdf(uid_of_invoice, uid_of_email_template)
Some portions Copyright (c) 2013 Reuben Salagaras
Copyright (c) 2013 Agworld Pty Ltd. See LICENSE for details.
Original Portions - Copyright (c) 2011 Kieran Johnson.