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NGSA Java App

NGSA Java App is inteneded for platform testing and monitoring in one or many Kubernetes clusters and/or cloud deployments.


  • Bash shell (tested on Visual Studio Codespaces, Mac, Ubuntu, Windows with WSL2)
    • Will not work in Cloud Shell or WSL1
  • Azure CLI (download)
  • Docker CLI (download)
  • Java 11+ (download)
  • Maven (download)
  • Cosmos DB setup (follow the steps in the imdb readme )
  • Visual Studio Code (optional) (download)

Ngsa-java Usage

NOTE: Command-line arguments take precedence over values and env vars.

        mvn clean spring-boot:run[options]
        export [env var]=<value>
        mvn clean spring-boot:run

        --help                                               Show help and usage information
        --version                                            Shows version information
        --dry-run                                            Validates configuration
        --log-level=<trace|info|warn|error|fatal>            Log Level [default: Error]
        --prometheus=<true|false>                            Enable prometheus metrics [default: false]
        --zone                                               Zone for log [default: dev]
        --region                                             Region for log [default: dev]
        --secrets-volume                                     Secrets Volume Path from project root directory [default: secrets]
        --cosmos-auth-type=<ManagedIdentity|SecretKey>       CosmosDB Auth type [default: SecretKey]
Env vars:

Run the Application

Using Visual Studio Codespaces

Visual Studio Codespaces is the easiest way to evaluate ngsa-java.

  1. Set up Codespaces from the GitHub repo

  2. Write CosmosDB URL in secrets/CosmosUrl

  3. Create CosmosKey file in ./secrets folder and write the primary key

    [Optional]: You can also use Azure CLI to authenticate to CosmosDB. See this section

  4. Run the application

    • From terminal:

      # run the application
      mvn clean spring-boot:run
    • Codespace/VSCode IDE

      • Wait for the Java Projects to load
        • Goto File Browser (Ctrl+B)
        • Expand Java Projects at the bottom, and wait for ngsa project to be available
      • Press F5 or select Run/Start Debugging

    wait for Netty started on port(s): 8080

[Alternative to secret key] CosmosDB access using Azure CLI

We can use Azure CLI to authenticate ourselves to use CosmosDB without using Secret Key for Local Development.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Add your AAD user to CosmosDB (in terminal):

    # Login to azure using specific tenant
    az login --tenant <TENANT-ID>
    # Or if you only have one tenant `az login`
    # Select proper subscription/tenant using 
    az account set -s '<SUBSCRIPTION-NAME>'
    # Get your own Principal ID (replace the email with yours)
    export PRINCIPAL=$(az ad signed-in-user show --query 'id' -o tsv)
    export COSMOS_RG=<Your-COSMOSDB-Resource-Group>
    export COSMOS_NAME=<Your-COSMOSDB-Name>
    export COSMOS_SCOPE=$(az cosmosdb show -g $COSMOS_RG -n $COSMOS_NAME --query id -o tsv)
    # Add yourself to CosmosDB SQL Access
    az cosmosdb sql role assignment create -g $COSMOS_RG --account-name $COSMOS_NAME --role-definition-id 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002 --principal-id $PRINCIPAL --scope $COSMOS_SCOPE

    If you're not using Codespace, you also need to add your network's Public IP address to CosmosDB in Azure Portal->CosmosDB->Networking->[FireWall]

    Google or use dig +short or curl to find your Public IP

  2. Goto src/main/resources/ and use cosmos-auth-type=ManagedIdentity

  3. In pom.xml file under spring-boot-maven-plugin plugin, set the <AZURE_TENANT_ID> xml value to your <TENANT-ID>.


    To find your tenant ID run, az account show --query tenantId -o tsv

Testing the application

Open a new bash shell

# test the application

# test using httpie (installed automatically in Codespaces)
http localhost:8080/version

# test using curl
curl localhost:8080/version

# test using lr
docker run --rm --network=host -s http://localhost:8080 --max-errors 1 -f baseline.json

Stop ngsa by typing Ctrl-C or the stop button if run via F5

Run unit tests

# run unit tests
mvn test -Dmaven.test.skip=false

Deploying in Local Cluster

Ensure to create CosmosUrl and CosmosKey (secret key) file before running the following commands.

# delete cluster if exists, create cluster, and build/deploy application
make all

# deploy latest changes locally if cluster already exists
make deploy-ngsa-java

# check if cluster and application is deployed
make check

Run Checkov scan

  • Navigate to Codespaces main menu (top left icon with three horizontal lines)
  • Click on Terminal menu item, then Run Task
  • From tasks menu locate Run Checkov Scan and click on it
  • Task terminal will show up executing substasks and indicating when scan completed
  • Scan results file checkov_scan_results will be created at root level, and automatically will get open by VSCode
  • Review the file and evaluate failed checks. For instance:
  kubernetes scan results:

  Passed checks: 860, Failed checks: 146, Skipped checks: 0

  dockerfile scan results:

  Passed checks: 22, Failed checks: 4, Skipped checks: 0


Engineering Docs

How to file issues and get help

This project uses GitHub Issues to track bugs and feature requests. Please search the existing issues before filing new issues to avoid duplicates. For new issues, file your bug or feature request as a new issue.

For help and questions about using this project, please open a GitHub issue.


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