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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 13, 2022. It is now read-only.

A secure ASP.NET Core Web API reference application using Managed Identity, Key Vault, and Cosmos DB that is designed to be deployed to Azure App Service or AKS.


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Managed Identity and Key Vault with ASP.NET Core

Build an ASP.NET Core Web API using Managed Identity, Key Vault, and Cosmos DB that is designed to be deployed to Azure App Service or Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) as a Docker container

License Docker Image Build

This is an ASP.NET Core Web API reference application designed to "fork and code" with the following features:

  • Securely build, deploy and run an Azure App Service (Web App for Containers) application
  • Securely build, deploy and run an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) application
  • Use Managed Identity to securely access resources
  • Securely store secrets in Key Vault
  • Securely build and deploy the Docker container to Azure Container Registry (ACR) or Docker Hub
  • Connect to and query Cosmos DB
  • Automatically send telemetry and logs to Azure Monitor

GitHub Codespaces is the easiest way to evaluate helium as all of the prerequisites are automatically installed

Follow the setup steps in the Helium readme to setup Codespaces


  • Bash shell (tested on GitHub Codespaces, Mac, Ubuntu, Windows with WSL2)
    • Will not work with WSL1 or Cloud Shell
  • .NET Core SDK 3.1 (download)
  • Docker CLI (download)
  • Azure CLI (download)
  • Visual Studio Code (optional) (download)


  • Initial setup instructions are in the Helium readme
    • Please complete the setup steps and then continue below

Validate az CLI works

In GitHub Codespaces, open a terminal by pressing ctl + `

# make sure you are logged into Azure
az account show

# if not, log in
az login

Verify Key Vault Access

# verify you have access to Key Vault
az keyvault secret show --name CosmosDatabase --vault-name $He_Name

Using GitHub Codespaces

  • Open launch.json in the .vscode directory
  • Replace {your key vault name} with the name of your key vault
    • the file saves automatically
  • Press F5
  • Wait for Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down. in the Debug Console
  • Skip to the testing step below

Using bash shell

This will work from a terminal in GitHub Codespaces as well

# run the application
# He_Name was set during setup and is your Key Vault name
dotnet run -p src/app/helium.csproj -- --auth-type CLI --keyvault-name $He_Name

wait for Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

Testing the application

Open a new bash shell

GitHub Codespaces allows you to open multiple shells by clicking on the Split Terminal icon

# test the application

# test using httpie (installed automatically in Codespaces)
http localhost:4120/version

# test using curl
curl localhost:4120/version

Stop helium by typing Ctrl-C or the stop button if run via F5

Deep Testing

We use Web Validate to run deep verification tests on the Web API

# install Web Validate as a dotnet global tool
# this is automatically installed in CodeSpaces
dotnet tool install -g webvalidate

# make sure you are in the root of the repository

# run the validation tests
# validation tests are located in the TestFiles directory

pushd TestFiles
webv -s localhost:4120 -f baseline.json

# there may be a validation error on the /healthz/ietf test
#   json: status: warn : Expected: pass
# the "warn" status indicates a slower than normal response time
# and will occasionally occur due to network latency

# bad.json tests error conditions that return 4xx codes

# benchmark.json is a 300 request test that covers the entire API


Build the release container using Docker

A release build requires MI to connect to Key Vault.

# make sure you are in the root of the repo
# build the image
docker build . -t helium-csharp

# run docker tag and docker push to push to your repo


Make sure to fork the repo before experimenting with CI-CD

This repo uses GitHub Actions for Continuous Integration.

  • CI supports pushing to Azure Container Registry or DockerHub
  • The action is setup to execute on a PR or commit to master
    • The action does not run on commits to branches other than master
  • The action always publishes an image with the :beta tag
  • If you tag the repo with a version i.e. v1.0.8 the action will also
    • Tag the image with :1.0.8
    • Tag the image with :stable
    • Note that the v is case sensitive (lower case)
  • Once the secrets below are set, create a new branch, make a change to a file (md file changes are ignored), commit and push your change, create a PR into your local master
  • Check the Actions tab on the GitHub repo main page

CD is supported via webhooks in Azure App Services connected to the ACR or DockerHub repository.

CI to Azure Container Registry

In order to push to ACR, you set the following secrets in your GitHub repo:

  • Azure Login Information

    • TENANT
  • ACR Information

    • ACR_REG
    • ACR_REPO

CI to DockerHub

In order to push to DockerHub, you must set the following secrets in your GitHub repo:

    • Personal Access Token (recommended) or password


This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit Microsoft Contributor License Agreement.

When you submit a pull request, a CLA bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., status check, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.