Installation Instructions
Download the latest Kivypie and install to SD card. Insert into RPI, connect to the network and powerup!
Upgrade to latest versions of the packages
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
Then test Kivy is working OK - run the simple example from
sudo nano and paste in the following (between the ---).
from import App from kivy.uix.button import Button
class TestApp(App): def build(self): return Button(text='Hello World')
Then run with
sudo python
You should see a big “Hello World button”. Push it, it should change colour when pressed.
Hit ctrl + C to exit the app.
- Install Mosquito MQTT for the communications.
Use this…. sudo wget sudo apt-get install mosquitto sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients -y also sudo pip install --upgrade pip sudo pip install paho-mqtt Test Mosquito Subscribe to a test topic in one SSH window mosquitto_sub -t test_topic Send a test message on the test topic in another SSH window. mosquitto_pub -t test_topic -m "Hello"
- Install SQLite3 for the database.
sudo apt-get install sqlite3
- Install and test Apache for the web server and PHP for the server side web page processing.
sudo apt-get install apache2 -y
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 -y
sudo apt-get install php5-sqlite
Make sure you give permissions for the web folder. sudo chown www-data:www-data -R /var/www/html
Test the web server is working – from a browser on your network try
You should see an Apache web page appear.
After test, delete the test file
sudo rm /var/www/html/index.html
reboot the Raspberry Pi
sudo reboot
- Copy the python source files and web source files to the /home/sysop/Glance and /var/www/html/GlanceWeb folders respectively. Also copy Clock, Music, Pictures and Inspiration sub-folders and contents and create the logs subfolder.
a) Install source modules and dependencies.
From /home/sysop/
git clone
b) Install web pages and database
cd /var/www/html/
sudo git clone
- Configure the Raspberry Pi sudo raspi-config
Set the pi hostname to ‘bedroomtouch’ Set the timezone as required Select ‘wait for network at boot’ Activate I2C (under interface options)
- Install ALL the required dependencies
a) For the Calendar module sudo pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client Install timezone and dateutil module
sudo pip install pytz sudo pip install python-dateutil
To authorize the script for your calendar for the first time, follow the instructions for the secret json file and create and run
sudo python --noauth_local_webserver
b) For the BMP180 module c) For the Audio module For translating numbers to words cd .. sudo git clone
d) For the Hk Weather sudo pip install feedparser
- Customize the database The database file is /var/www/html/GlanceWeb/clp.db cd /var/www/html/GlanceWeb/ Type sudo sqlite3 clp.db select * from settings select * from messages
'HUE user and HUB IP insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('hueuser', ''); insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('huehubip', '');
'TP Link HS100 socket IP addresses insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('hs100ip0', ''); insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('hs100ip1', ''); insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('hs100ip2', '');
'Air Quality token from WAQI insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('WAQItoken', '');
'Stock quote and currency exchange value from Aphavantage insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('alphavantageapikey', ''); insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('alphavantagestock1', 'MSFT'); insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('alphavantagefromcurrency1', 'USD'); insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('alphavantagetocurrency1', 'JPY');
'For RPIIO - insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('rpiioout1', '21'); insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('rpiioout2', '6'); insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('rpiioin1', '4'); insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('rpiioin2', '17');
insert into messages (host, name, value, description, display,action) values ('Bedroom Touchscreen','RPIIOOUT','1+','LED 1 On','0','1'); insert into messages (host, name, value, description, display,action) values ('Bedroom Touchscreen','RPIIOOUT','1-','LED 1 Off','0','1'); insert into messages (host, name, value, description, display,action) values ('Bedroom Touchscreen','RPIIOOUT','2+','LED2 On','0','1'); insert into messages (host, name, value, description, display,action) values ('Bedroom Touchscreen','RPIIOOUT','2-','LED2 Off','0','1'); insert into messages (host, name, value, description, display,action) values ('Bedroom Touchscreen','RPIIOIN1','','Switch 1','1','0'); insert into messages (host, name, value, description, display,action) values ('Bedroom Touchscreen','RPIIOIN2','','Switch 2','1','0');
insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('nighttime', '23:00'); insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('morningtime', '6:00'); insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('afternoontime', '12:00'); insert into settings (setting,value) VALUES ('eveningtime', '19:00');
insert into messages (host, name, value, description, display,action) values ('','If Morning','if','If Morning','0','1'); insert into messages (host, name, value, description, display,action) values ('','If Afternoon','if','If Afternoon','0','1'); insert into messages (host, name, value, description, display,action) values ('','If Evening','if','If Evening','0','1'); insert into messages (host, name, value, description, display,action) values ('','If Night','if','If Night','0','1');
Note that a restart may be necessary after the database update.
- To make the system autorun at boot, sudo nano /etc/rc.local Add the lines (before exit 0) cd /home/sysop/Glance/ sudo python &