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Adyen Payment client side encryption library for flutter projects.

It is for project when you don't need use Adyen Drop-in integration and just need tokenize card info or use your custom interface for card data.


Check if your app is compatible:

  • Android mininal sdk version: 21 - Android Lollipop
  • iOS minimal build target: iOS 12.2

Get your Client Encryption Public Key.

You need to set this as your publicKey when using the flutter_adyen_cse plugin. To get your public key:

  • Sign in to your Customer Area using your company-level account.

  • Navigate to Developers > API credentials.

  • Click on your web service user (ws@Company.[YourCompanyAccount]) in the users list.

    This opens the Edit Web Service User page.

  • In the Client-Side Encryption panel, copy the Client Encryption Public Key.


Step 1 - Initialize flutter_adyen_cse plugin with your Client Encryption Public Key

import 'package:flutter_adyen_cse/flutter_adyen_cse.dart';
import 'package:flutter_adyen_cse/models/models.dart';

try {
  await FlutterAdyenCse.initAdyenCse(AdyenCseConfig(
    publicKey: '<Your-Client-Encryption-Public-Key>'
} on PlatformException {

Step 2 - Encrypt card data

import 'dart:developer';

import 'package:flutter_adyen_cse/flutter_adyen_cse.dart';
import 'package:flutter_adyen_cse/models/models.dart';

try {
  final AdyenCseEncryptedCard? encryptedCard =
      await FlutterAdyenCse.encryptCard(AdyenCseCard(
    cardNumber: '4242424242424242',
    expiryMonth: '12',
    expiryYear: '2026',
    securityCode: '737',

  if (encryptedCard != null) log(encryptedCard.toJson().toString());
} on PlatformException {

Step 3 - Use encrypted card data within AdyenCseEncryptedCard object.

Demo app

you can see an example to use flutter_adyen_cse plugin in our demo app.
