An extension that creates an OAuth 2 Server that uses oauth2orize and http-bearer for server-to-server authenication and jwt-token-bearer for mobile/javascript client based authentication.
Creating an OAuth2 server allows for your periodic application to restrict access to API endpoints for the authorized user or authorized applications.
Install like any other extension, run npm run install periodicjs.ext.oauth2server
from your periodic application directory.
Login into Async Admin, in the navigation sidebar Extensions -> OAuth 2 Server -> Clients
Name your new Application Client, a token_id and token_secret will be automatically generated.
Navigate to /api/oauth2/authorize
, login in and approve access to your account for your application.
http://localhost:8786/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=[client token_id]&response_type=code&redirect_uri=[your redirect url, e.g.: http://localhost:3000]
If you approve access, you'll be granted a new authorization code to obtain a new OAUTH 2.0 token.
Then, you'll have to post (using http basic auth with your client token_id and client secret)
- code: [your authorization code]
- grant_type: 'authorization_code'
- redirect_url: [your redirect url]
You'll then recieve an OAUTH Token to make API requests with (With HTTP Bearer Authentication)
Send a get request to /api/jwt/token
With either request headers or a request body containing:
- username
- clientid
- password
- entitytype (optional if using a different user account model)
You'll then recieve a JWT access_token to make API requests with in either the request body or x-access-token
- Add
middleware before any API route that requires user authentication. - Add
middleware before any API route that requires application client authentication.
When implementing an OAuth2 server you MUST make sure to secure your application. This means running all OAuth2 endpoints over HTTPS, this extension also hashes the client secret, authorization code, and access token.
$ cd path/to/application/root
### Using the CLI
$ periodicjs ext periodicjs.ext.oauth2server createClient my-oauth2-client
$ periodicjs ext periodicjs.ext.oauth2server createclient my-oauth2-client
$ periodicjs ext periodicjs.ext.oauth2server cc my-oauth2-client
### Calling Manually
$ node index.js --cli --command --ext --name=periodicjs.ext.oauth2server --task=createClient --args=my-oauth2-client
You can configure periodicjs.ext.oauth2server
settings: {
defaults: true,
databases: {
Install like any other extension, run npm run install periodicjs.ext.oauth2server
from your periodic application root directory and then you would normally run periodicjs addExtension periodicjs.ext.oauth2server
but this is handled by the npm post install script.
$ cd path/to/application/root
$ npm run install periodicjs.ext.oauth2server
$ periodicjs addExtension periodicjs.ext.oauth2server //handled by npm post install
Run npm run uninstall periodicjs.ext.oauth2server
from your periodic application root directory and then you would normally run periodicjs removeExtension periodicjs.ext.oauth2server
but this is handled by the npm post uninstall script.
$ cd path/to/application/root
$ npm run uninstall periodicjs.ext.oauth2server
$ periodicjs removeExtension periodicjs.ext.oauth2server //handled by npm post uninstall
Make sure you have grunt installed
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
Then run grunt test or npm test
$ grunt test && grunt coveralls #or locally $ npm test
For generating documentation
$ grunt doc
$ jsdoc2md commands/**/*.js config/**/*.js controllers/**/*.js transforms/**/*.js utilities/**/*.js index.js > doc/
- Check out for the full Periodic Documentation
- Special thanks to scott k smith
- reset login attempts