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Kendall Lewis edited this page Jul 26, 2017 · 7 revisions

From 7/25

If you've never worked in your terminal and you don't know what these commands do, slack us in the #project-member-portal channel and ask for help!

  • "regular" project members will be added as collaborators
  • even so, we should still be branching
  • occasional members will be able to for and submit pull requests
  • we're using Rails 5.1.2, ruby 2.3.1, and rvm
    • rvm install 2.3.1 (will take awhile)
      • you may need xcode-select --install (you have to already have xcode on your machine)
    • rvm use 2.3.1
    • gem install rails -v 5.1.2 (will take awhile)
  • Colin generating and branching our project
    • rails new member-portal (this creates the folder and associated files)
    • git branch fresh-rails
    • git checkout -b fresh-rails
    • git add .
    • git commit -am "Added initial generated Rails project"
    • git remote add origin
    • git push origin freshrails
    • in github: open a pull request
    • git clone [email protected]:renocollective/member-portal.git
    • git checkout -b new-branch-name
    • edit the readme file
    • git commit -am "Added Sue-Ting to readme"
    • git push origin new-branch-name
    • on github submit pull request
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