This is only a template to start a project with a Docker container featuring a React frontend, Express backend, and MongoDB.
we are using several libraries, here is the list of them:
- @emotion/react version ^11.11.1
- @emotion/styled version ^11.11.0
- @mui/icons-material version ^5.14.18
- @mui/material version ^5.14.18
- react version ^18.2.0
- react-dom version ^18.2.0
Dev dependencies For development, we use the following libraries:
- @biomejs/biome version 1.3.3
- @types/react version ^18.2.37
- @types/react-dom version ^18.2.15
- @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin version ^6.10.0
- @typescript-eslint/parser version ^6.10.0
- @vitejs/plugin-react-swc version ^3.5.0
- biome version ^0.3.3
- eslint version ^8.53.0
- eslint-plugin-react-hooks version ^4.6.0
- eslint-plugin-react-refresh version ^0.4.4
- typescript version ^5.2.2
- vite version ^5.0.0"