- Django
- Django Rest Framework
- sqlite3 - database
- Django ORM
Create and start a virtual env for the project.
- To create the virtual environment, run:
python3 -m venv env
To activate the virtual environment run:
source env/bin/activate
Install the packages in the virtual environment from the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- To start the django server you need to be at the project root in the terminal and run the following command
- python manage.py migrate
- python manage.py runserver
Or you can run the docker commands bellow:
- docker build -t {CONTAINER NAME} .
- docker run -p {PORT}:{PORT} {CONTAINER NAME}}
- You can change the HOST and PORT as you wish in dockerfile.
Endpoints available to get all, get by id, post and delete exercises
- {HOST}/api/exercise - METHOD POST. Below you can find the model of body
"exercise": 2,
"answer": "D"
- {HOST}/api/exercise - METHOD GET
- {HOST}/api/exercise/{exercise_id} - METHOD GET (BY ID)
- {HOST}/api/exercise/{exercise_id} - METHOD DELETE
Endpoints available to get all, get by id, post and delete answers
- {HOST}/api/answer - METHOD POST. Below you can find the model of body
"question": "As palavras que, na sequência, recebem acento gráfico são:",
"first_alternative": "hifens – latex – avaro",
"second_alternative": "gratuito – video – recem",
"third_alternative": "benção – egoista – vies",
"fourth_alternative": "martir – item – economia",
"fifth_alternative": "caracteres – seca – rubrica",
"answer": "C"
- {HOST}/api/answer - METHOD GET
- {HOST}/api/answer/{answer_id} - METHOD GET (BY ID)
- {HOST}/api/answer/{answer_id} - METHOD DELETE
- Here you can find all the exercises, the total exercises, the status, and the performance data.
"total_questions": 10,
"total_answered": 2,
"correct_answers": 1,
"incorrect_answers": 1,
"performance_percentual": "10.0%"
"id": 1,
"question": "Em relação ao número de sílabas e sua classificação especificados entre parênteses, assinale a alternativa incorreta.",
"first_alternative": "BRINQUEDOS - TRISSILABA",
"second_alternative": "ARRUMA - POLISSILABA",
"third_alternative": "NÃO - MONOSSILABA",
"fourth_alternative": "NADA - DISSILABA",
"fifth_alternative": "",
"answer": "D",
"question_answered": [
"id": 1,
"answer": "D",
"is_answered": true
"id": 2,
"question": "Ache a palavra com erro de grafia",
"first_alternative": "cabeleireiro ; manteigueira",
"second_alternative": "caranguejo ; beneficência",
"third_alternative": "prazeirosamente ; adivinhar",
"fourth_alternative": "perturbar ; concupiscência",
"fifth_alternative": "berinjela ; meritíssimo",
"answer": "E",
"question_answered": [
"id": 2,
"answer": "D",
"is_answered": true
"id": 3,
"answer": "D",
"is_answered": true
"id": 3,
"question": "Assinale a frase em que não há erro na forma verbal:",
"first_alternative": "Não semeiemos a discórdia.",
"second_alternative": "Ainda bem que freiamos a tempo.",
"third_alternative": "Discirno muito bem uma jóia verdadeira.",
"fourth_alternative": "Eles se desaviram por um motivo tolo",
"fifth_alternative": "Não demula esta parede.",
"answer": "B",
"question_answered": []
- Here you can find the answer with id 1 and linked with the Exercise detail.
"DATA": {
"id": 1,
"question": "Em relação ao número de sílabas e sua classificação especificados entre parênteses, assinale a alternativa incorreta.",
"first_alternative": "BRINQUEDOS - TRISSILABA",
"second_alternative": "ARRUMA - POLISSILABA",
"third_alternative": "NÃO - MONOSSILABA",
"fourth_alternative": "NADA - DISSILABA",
"fifth_alternative": "",
"answer": "D",
"question_answered": [
"id": 1,
"answer": "D",
"is_answered": true
- Here you can find all the answers.
"id": 1,
"answer": "D",
"is_answered": true,
"exercise": 1
"id": 2,
"answer": "D",
"is_answered": true,
"exercise": 2
"id": 3,
"answer": "D",
"is_answered": true,
"exercise": 2
- On your command line at the root project, run the command:
./manage.py test