Confusing development environments is easy, especially when working under deadline pressure, on multiple projects simultaneously, or simply due to human error.
One effective way to solve this problem is by visually distinguishing the WordPress admin panel with different colors depending on the development environment. This approach not only increases the developers’ level of attentiveness but also facilitates faster and more intuitive differentiation between environments, reducing the likelihood of errors.
- Specify your current environment.
On each environment (local, development, qa, stage, production), you will need to add theWP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE
constant with its value towp-config.php
Choose the necessary one and add it into your config:define( 'WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE', 'local' ); define( 'WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE', 'development' ); define( 'WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE', 'staging' ); define( 'WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE', 'production' );
- Install via Composer
composer require renakdup/colorize-wp-adminpanel-for-environments
If you don't use Composer copy this file here /wp-content/mu-plugins/
! There are no need additional steps anymore.
- Add the file
if ( ! class_exists( Renakdup\AdminpanelEnvColor\AdminpanelEnvColor::class ) ) {
That's it!
The right corner of admin-bar will be displayed current environment
By the default we use next colors:
- production: red
- staging: orange
- development: blue
- local: default black
You can change it and add your new envs as well
add_filter( 'renakdup/adminpanel_env_color/colors', function ( $defaults ) {
return array_merge(
'local' => 'green',
'custom-env' => '#CCC'
}, 10, 1 );