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- Finished proofs supporting the cap_encode_decode lemma
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- Multiple new auxiliary lemmas on conversions to/from bits/bools and on try_maps
- Generalized bv_to_bits_to_Z and mword_of_bits_to_mword_of_bools to any bv length
- Simplified bool_bits_of_bytes
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ric-almeida committed Oct 18, 2024
1 parent 31752be commit 72c5bcc
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Showing 2 changed files with 169 additions and 33 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/Common/Utils.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ Definition bool_bits_of_bytes (bytes : list ascii): list bool
| Ascii a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 => [a7; a6; a5; a4; a3; a2; a1; a0]
List.fold_left (fun l a => l (ascii_to_bits a)) bytes [].
List.concat (map ascii_to_bits bytes).

(* could be generalized as monadic map, or implemented as composition
of [map] and [sequence]. *)
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200 changes: 168 additions & 32 deletions theories/Morello/Capabilities.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -825,15 +825,6 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou
let c0 := cap_c0 () in
let c' := cap_set_value c0 a in
c =? c'.

Definition bool_bits_of_bytes (bytes : list ascii): list bool
let ascii_to_bits (x:ascii) :=
match x with
| Ascii a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 => [a7; a6; a5; a4; a3; a2; a1; a0]
List.fold_left (fun l a => l (ascii_to_bits a)) bytes [].

(* Internal helper function to convert between Sail bytes ([memory_byte])
and [ascii]. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1270,7 +1261,57 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou

(* Consider migrating these functions to the libraries where the functions they reason about are defined *)
Lemma try_map_to_map {A B:Type} (f : A -> option B) (l : list A) (l' : list B) :
try_map f l = Some l' ↔
map f l = map Some l'.
revert l l'.
assert (H: ∀ n l l', length l = n → try_map f l = Some l' ↔ map f l = map Some l').
{ induction n as [| m IH].
+ intros l l' H_len. apply nil_length_inv in H_len.
subst. simpl. split; intro H.
- inversion H. subst. reflexivity.
- symmetry in H. apply map_eq_nil in H. subst. reflexivity.
+ intros l l' H_len. destruct l as [| h t ] eqn:H_l; [ done |].
split; intro H; rewrite cons_length in H_len; apply eq_add_S in H_len.
- simpl in H. case_match eqn:H_h; try done. case_match eqn:H_t; try done.
match goal with
| _: try_map _ ?t = Some ?l
|- _
=> apply (IH t l H_len) in H_t
simpl. inversion H as [H'].
rewrite H_h H_t. reflexivity.
- simpl. simpl in H.
assert (H_len': length l' = S m).
{ rewrite <- (map_length f) in H_len. rewrite <- H_len.
rewrite <- (cons_length (f h)). rewrite H. by rewrite map_length. }
destruct l' as [|h' t'] eqn:H_l'; [ done |].
case_match eqn:H_h; try done. case_match eqn:H_t.
* apply f_equal. subst.
apply (IH t) in H_t; try done. rewrite H_t in H. rewrite <- map_cons in H.
by simplify_list_eq.
* subst. simpl in H.
apply (app_inj_2 [Some b] [Some h']) in H;
[| rewrite !map_length; rewrite cons_length in H_len'; lia ].
destruct H as [_ H].
apply (IH t) in H; [| reflexivity ]. rewrite H in H_t. done.
intros l l'. by apply (H (length l) l l').

Lemma try_map_app {A B:Type} (f : A -> option B) (l1 l2 : list A) (l1' l2' : list B) :
try_map f (l1++l2)%list = Some (l1'++l2')%list →
length l1 = length l1' →
try_map f l1 = Some l1' ∧ try_map f l2 = Some l2'.
intros H_map H_len.
apply try_map_to_map in H_map. rewrite !map_app in H_map.
apply (app_inj_1) in H_map; [| by rewrite !map_length ].
destruct H_map as [? ?].
split; by apply try_map_to_map.

Lemma byte_chunks_len {a} (l : list a) l' :
(8 | length l)%nat →
byte_chunks l = Some l' →
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1369,7 +1410,8 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou
unfold_cap. unfold t, len in *. unfold MachineWord.N_to_word, CAP_TAG_BIT. unfold_cap.
case_decide as P; try done. simpl.
assert (Q: vec_of_bits [@access_vec_dec 64 (bv_zero_extend 64 (vec_of_bits [@access_vec_dec 129 c 128])) 0] = Z_to_bv 1 1).
{ unfold access_vec_dec, access_mword_dec, MachineWord.get_bit, bitU_of_bool, vec_of_bits, get_word, of_bools, bools_to_mword, MachineWord.bools_to_word, MachineWord.N_to_word; case_match; try done; case_match eqn:H1; try done; simpl.
{ unfold access_vec_dec, access_mword_dec, MachineWord.get_bit, bitU_of_bool, vec_of_bits, get_word, of_bools, bools_to_mword, MachineWord.bools_to_word, MachineWord.N_to_word;
case_match; try done; case_match eqn:H1; try done; simpl.
bv_simplify H. change (autocast _) with (Z_to_bv 1 0).
apply bv_eq. rewrite !Z_to_bv_unsigned. simpl.
bitblast as n. bitblast H with n as H2.
Expand All @@ -1396,10 +1438,19 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou

Lemma bv_to_bits_to_Z {n} (c : bv n) :
(n>0)%N →
Z.of_N (N_of_digits (bv_to_bits c)) = bv_unsigned c.
intro H_n_min.
destruct ((n=?0)%N) eqn:H_n_0.
{ apply N.eqb_eq in H_n_0. subst.
have -> : (N_of_digits (bv_to_bits c) = 0)%N.
{ assert ((N_of_digits (bv_to_bits c) < 2 ^ 0)%N).
{ replace 0%N with (N.of_nat (base.length (bv_to_bits c)));
[ apply MachineWord.N_of_digits_limit
| rewrite bv_to_bits_length; subst; done ]. }
lia. }
by rewrite bv_unsigned_N_0. }

apply N.eqb_neq in H_n_0.
assert (H: length (bv_to_bits c) = N.to_nat n); [ by rewrite bv_to_bits_length|].
assert (G: (N_of_digits (bv_to_bits c) < 2 ^ (N.of_nat (N.to_nat n)))%N).
{ rewrite <- (bv_to_bits_length (c)). apply MachineWord.N_of_digits_limit. }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1433,7 +1484,8 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou
by rewrite H1.
+ apply N.ltb_ge in Hbound. rewrite bv_unsigned_spec_high; [ lia |].
rewrite N.bits_above_log2; try done.
assert ((N_of_digits (bv_to_bits c) < 2 ^ (N.of_nat (length (bv_to_bits c))))%N); [ apply MachineWord.N_of_digits_limit | lia ].
assert ((N_of_digits (bv_to_bits c) < 2 ^ (N.of_nat (length (bv_to_bits c))))%N);
[ apply MachineWord.N_of_digits_limit | lia ].
- assert (m >= Z.of_N n)%Z; [ lia |].
apply Z.bits_above_log2; try lia.
assert (H': N_of_digits (bv_to_bits c) = 0%N ∨ (N_of_digits (bv_to_bits c) > 0)%N); [ lia |].
Expand All @@ -1445,14 +1497,13 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou
[ apply N.pow_le_mono_r; try lia | lia ]. }
apply N2Z.inj_lt in H''.
replace (Z.of_N (2 ^ Z.to_N m)) with (2 ^ m)%Z in H''.
{ lia. } { rewrite N2Z.inj_pow. simpl. rewrite; lia. }
{ lia. }
{ rewrite N2Z.inj_pow. simpl. rewrite; lia. }

Lemma mword_of_bits_to_mword_of_bools {n} (c : mword n) :
(n >= 0)%Z →
vec_of_bits (bits_of c) = of_bools (mword_to_bools c).
intro Hbound.
unfold bits_of, vec_of_bits.
rewrite -> map_map.
set (f := (λ x : bool, bool_of_bit (bitU_of_bool x))).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1484,13 +1535,93 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou
rewrite bv_to_bits_to_Z; try lia. rewrite Z_to_bv_bv_unsigned.
by rewrite autocast_refl.

Lemma bit_to_bool_to_bit {n} (w : mword n) b :
b ∈ bits_of w → bitU_of_bool (bool_of_bit b) = b.
intros H_bits.
unfold bits_of, bitU_of_bool in H_bits.
unfold bool_of_bit; case_match; try done.
apply elem_of_list_In, In_nth_error in H_bits.
destruct H_bits as [m H_bits].
apply (nth_error_nth _ _ B0) in H_bits.
set (f:=(λ b : bool, if b then B1 else B0)).
change (nth m (map (λ b : bool, if b then B1 else B0) (mword_to_bools w)) B0)
with (nth m (map f (mword_to_bools w)) B0) in H_bits.
change B0 with (f false) in H_bits.
rewrite map_nth in H_bits.
destruct (nth m (mword_to_bools w) false) eqn:H_nth; simpl in H_bits; done.

Lemma bytes_to_bits_to_bytes l l' l'' :
byte_chunks l = Some l' →
try_map memory_byte_to_ascii (rev l') = Some l'' →
map bitU_of_bool (bool_bits_of_bytes (rev l'')) = l.
Lemma mword_to_bytes_to_bits :
∀ n (w:mword n) k l l' l'' ,
length l = (8*(k+1))%nat →
l = bits_of w →
byte_chunks l = Some l' →
try_map memory_byte_to_ascii (rev l') = Some l'' →
map bitU_of_bool (bool_bits_of_bytes (rev l'')) = l.
intros n w k l l' l'' H_len H_bits.

assert (H_b2b: ∀ b, b ∈ l → bitU_of_bool (bool_of_bit b) = b).
{ intros b H_b. rewrite H_bits in H_b. by apply bit_to_bool_to_bit in H_b. }
revert n w k l l' l'' H_bits H_len H_b2b.

assert (∀ k l l' l'',
length l = (8*(k+1))%nat →
(∀ b, b ∈ l → bitU_of_bool (bool_of_bit b) = b) →
byte_chunks l = Some l' →
try_map memory_byte_to_ascii (rev l') = Some l'' →
map bitU_of_bool (bool_bits_of_bytes (rev l'')) = l).
{ induction k as [| k IH].
+ simpl. intros l1 l2 l3 H_len H_bit H_bytes H_ascii.
do 9 (destruct l1; try done).
unfold byte_chunks in H_bytes. inversion H_bytes. subst.
simpl in H_ascii. inversion H_ascii. subst. simpl.
rewrite !H_bit;
repeat match goal with
| |- ?b ∈ (?b'::_) => apply elem_of_cons
| |- ?b = ?b ∨ _ => left; reflexivity
| |- _ => right
+ intros l1 l2 l3 H_len H_bit H_bytes H_ascii.
do 8 (destruct l1; try done).
unfold byte_chunks in H_bytes; case_match eqn:H_bchunks; try done; fold (byte_chunks l1) in H_bchunks.
inversion H_bytes as [H_b]; clear H_bytes.
rewrite <- H_b in H_ascii. simpl in H_ascii.
assert (H_l_len: length l1 = (8 * (k + 1))%nat); [ repeat rewrite cons_length in H_len; lia |].
assert (H_bytes_len: length l = (k + 1)%nat);
[ apply byte_chunks_len in H_bchunks;
[| rewrite H_l_len; unfold Nat.divide; exists (k+1)%nat; lia ];
rewrite H_l_len in H_bchunks; rewrite H_bchunks Nat.mul_comm Nat.div_mul; lia |].
assert (H_ascii_len: length l3 = (k+2)%nat);
[ apply try_map_length in H_ascii as H_ascii;
rewrite app_length rev_length H_bytes_len in H_ascii; simpl in H_ascii; lia |].
assert (H_ascii_app: (∃ l4 last, l3 = l4 ++ [last])%list);
[ exists (removelast l3), (last l3 "000"%char); rewrite <- app_removelast_last; try done;
intro H'; rewrite H' in H_ascii_len; simpl in H_ascii_len; lia |].
destruct H_ascii_app as [l4 [last H_ascii_app]].
assert (H_ascii_len': base.length (l4) = (k + 1)%nat); [ rewrite last_length in H_ascii_len; lia |].
apply try_map_app in H_ascii; [| rewrite rev_length; by rewrite H_bytes_len H_ascii_len' ].
destruct H_ascii as [H_ascii_prefix H_ascii_last].
apply (IH l1) in H_ascii_prefix; try done.
- rewrite rev_unit map_app H_ascii_prefix.
simpl in H_ascii_last. inversion H_ascii_last. simplify_list_eq.
rewrite !H_bit;
repeat match goal with
| |- ?b ∈ (?b'::?l) => apply elem_of_cons
| |- ?b = ?b ∨ _ => left; reflexivity
| |- _ => right
- intros b' Hb'. apply H_bit.
do 8 (apply elem_of_cons; right). assumption. }

intros ? ? k l l' l'' ?.
apply (H k l l' l'').

Lemma bv_to_bits_app_last (c : bv 129) :
bv_to_bits c = (bv_to_bits (bv_extract 0 128 c) ++ [bv_extract 128 1 c =? 1])%list.
Expand All @@ -1511,12 +1642,12 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou
rewrite P; bv_simplify; bitblast.
- assert (Z.of_nat i < 128)%Z.
{ apply Nat.eqb_neq in Hi2. apply Nat.ltb_ge in Hi1. lia. }
unfold l1, l2. rewrite lookup_app_l; [ rewrite bv_to_bits_length; try lia |].
destruct (bv_to_bits (bv_extract 0 128 c) !! i) eqn:P.
+ apply bv_to_bits_lookup_Some. split; try lia.
apply bv_to_bits_lookup_Some in P. destruct P as [_ P]. rewrite P.
bv_simplify. bitblast.
+ rewrite list_lookup_lookup_total_lt in P; [ rewrite bv_to_bits_length; try lia | discriminate ].
unfold l1, l2. rewrite lookup_app_l; [ rewrite bv_to_bits_length; try lia |].
destruct (bv_to_bits (bv_extract 0 128 c) !! i) eqn:P.
+ apply bv_to_bits_lookup_Some. split; try lia.
apply bv_to_bits_lookup_Some in P. destruct P as [_ P]. rewrite P.
bv_simplify. bitblast.
+ rewrite list_lookup_lookup_total_lt in P; [ rewrite bv_to_bits_length; try lia | discriminate ].

Lemma mword_to_bools_cons_last (c: bv 129) :
Expand All @@ -1534,9 +1665,14 @@ Module Capability <: CAPABILITY (AddressValue) (Flags) (ObjType) (SealType) (Bou
apply cap_encode_length in E as E_len.
unfold encode in E. case_match eqn:E1; try done. case_match; try done.
inversion E; clear E; subst.
unfold mem_bytes_of_bits in E1. unfold bytes_of_bits in E1. unfold option_map in E1. case_match eqn:E3; try done.
inversion E1; clear E1; subst.
apply (bytes_to_bits_to_bytes _ l0 bytes) in E3; try assumption.
unfold mem_bytes_of_bits, bytes_of_bits, option_map in E1.
case_match eqn:E3; try done.
inversion E1; clear E1; subst.
match goal with
| _: try_map memory_byte_to_ascii (rev ?l) = Some ?bytes
|- _ =>
apply (mword_to_bytes_to_bits _ (vec_of_bits (list.tail (@bits_of 129 c))) 15 _ l bytes) in E3; try done
unfold t, len in *.
change (Z.of_N 129) with 129%Z in *.
replace (list.tail (@bits_of 129 c)) with (@bits_of 128 (bv_extract 0 128 c)) in E3;
Expand Down

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