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Defining two calling conventions for Core
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* Normal_callconv: the original and default one, where the elaboration of C
  		   parameters are passed by pointers (to temporary objects
		   allocated and initialised by the caller).

* Inner_arg_callconv: used by CN, where the elaboration of C parameters are
  		      passed by value (except for the additional parameters of
		      variadic functions) and the temporary objects are allocated
		      by the callee in its body.

This commit updates the Core typing and runtime to support both
calling conventions.
kmemarian committed Aug 13, 2024
1 parent 3f1db8b commit 431e3c1
Showing 18 changed files with 304 additions and 88 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions backend/bmc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -408,6 +408,7 @@ let set_uid_globs (gname, glb) =
let set_uid file1 =
main= (file1.main);
calling_convention= (file1.calling_convention);
tagDefs= (file1.tagDefs);
stdlib= (file1.stdlib);
impl= (file1.impl);
21 changes: 14 additions & 7 deletions backend/common/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -240,7 +240,9 @@ let c_frontend_and_elaboration ?(cnnames=[]) (conf, io) (core_stdlib, core_impl)
used more than once, we need to do reset here *)
(* TODO(someday): find a better way *)
Tags.reset_tagDefs ();
let core_file = Translation.translate core_stdlib core_impl ailtau_prog in
let calling_convention =
Core.(if Switches.has_switch SW_inner_arg_temps then Inner_arg_callconv else Normal_callconv) in
let core_file = Translation.translate core_stdlib calling_convention core_impl ailtau_prog in
io.set_progress "ELABO" >>= fun () ->
io.pass_message "Translation to Core completed!" >>= fun () ->
return (Some cabs_tunit, Some (markers_env, ailtau_prog), core_file)
@@ -253,6 +255,7 @@ let core_frontend (conf, io) (core_stdlib, core_impl) ~filename =
(* Tags.set_tagDefs "Pipeline.core_frontend" tagDefs; *)
return {
Core.main= Some sym_main;
Core.calling_convention= Core.Normal_callconv; (* TODO *)
Core.tagDefs= tagDefs;
Core.stdlib= snd core_stdlib;
Core.impl= core_impl;
@@ -481,6 +484,7 @@ let untype_file (file: 'a Core.typed_file) : 'a Core.file =
| GlobalDecl _ as glob ->
glob in
{ main= file.main
; calling_convention= file.calling_convention
; tagDefs= file.tagDefs
; stdlib= untype_generic_fun_map_decl file.stdlib
; impl= untype_generic_impl_decl file.impl
@@ -599,13 +603,14 @@ let interp_backend io core_file ~args ~batch ~fs ~driver_conf =
* program, with exactly the same compiled code. *)
type 'a core_dump =
{ dump_main: Symbol.sym option;
dump_calling_convention: Core.calling_convention;
dump_tagDefs: (Symbol.sym * (Cerb_location.t * Ctype.tag_definition)) list;
dump_globs: (Symbol.sym * ('a, unit) Core.generic_globs) list;
dump_funs: (Symbol.sym * (unit, 'a) Core.generic_fun_map_decl) list;
dump_extern: (Symbol.identifier * (Symbol.sym list * Core.linking_kind)) list;
dump_funinfo: (Symbol.sym * (Cerb_location.t * Annot.attributes * Ctype.ctype * (Symbol.sym option * Ctype.ctype) list * bool * bool)) list;
dump_loop_attributes: (int * Annot.attributes) list;
} [@@warning "-unused-field"]
(* dump_loop_attributes: (int * Annot.attributes) list; *)

let sym_compare (Symbol.Symbol (d1, n1, _)) (Symbol.Symbol (d2, n2, _)) =
if d1 = d2 then compare n1 n2
@@ -630,9 +635,10 @@ let read_core_object (conf, io) ?(is_lib=false) (core_stdlib, core_impl) filenam
if v <> version_info
Cerb_debug.warn [] (fun () -> "read core_object file produced with a different version of Cerberus => " ^ v);
let dump = Marshal.from_channel ic in
let dump: 'a core_dump = Marshal.from_channel ic in
close_in ic;
let core_file = { main= dump.main;
let core_file = { main= dump.dump_main;
calling_convention= dump.dump_calling_convention;
tagDefs= map_from_assoc sym_compare dump.dump_tagDefs;
stdlib= snd core_stdlib;
impl= core_impl;
@@ -650,14 +656,15 @@ let read_core_object (conf, io) ?(is_lib=false) (core_stdlib, core_impl) filenam

let write_core_object core_file fname =
let open Core in
let dump =
let dump: 'a core_dump =
{ dump_main = core_file.main;
dump_calling_convention = core_file.calling_convention;
dump_tagDefs = Pmap.bindings_list core_file.tagDefs;
dump_globs = core_file.globs;
dump_funs = Pmap.bindings_list core_file.funs;
dump_extern = Pmap.bindings_list core_file.extern;
dump_funinfo = Pmap.bindings_list core_file.funinfo;
dump_loop_attributes = [] (*Pmap.bindings_list core_file.loop_attributes0*);
(* dump_loop_attributes = [] (*Pmap.bindings_list core_file.loop_attributes0*); *)
let oc = open_out_bin fname in
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions backend/web/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -328,6 +328,7 @@ let set_uid file =
{ main= file.main;
calling_convention= file.calling_convention;
tagDefs= file.tagDefs;
stdlib= file.stdlib;
impl= file.impl;
27 changes: 18 additions & 9 deletions frontend/model/core.lem
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -403,18 +403,27 @@ type core_tag_definitions =

type visible_objects_env = map nat (list (Symbol.sym * Ctype.ctype))

type calling_convention =
| Normal_callconv
| Inner_arg_callconv

instance (Eq calling_convention)
let (=) = unsafe_structural_equality
let (<>) = unsafe_structural_inequality

(* a Core file is just a set of named functions *)
type generic_file 'bty 'a = <|
main : maybe Symbol.sym;
tagDefs : core_tag_definitions;
stdlib : generic_fun_map 'bty 'a;
impl : generic_impl 'bty;
globs : list (Symbol.sym * generic_globs 'a 'bty);
funs : generic_fun_map 'bty 'a;
extern : extern_map;
funinfo : map Symbol.sym (Loc.t * Annot.attributes * ctype * list (maybe Symbol.sym * ctype) * bool * bool);
loop_attributes : Annot.loop_attributes;
main: maybe Symbol.sym;
calling_convention: calling_convention;
tagDefs: core_tag_definitions;
stdlib: generic_fun_map 'bty 'a;
impl: generic_impl 'bty;
globs: list (Symbol.sym * generic_globs 'a 'bty);
funs: generic_fun_map 'bty 'a;
extern: extern_map;
funinfo: map Symbol.sym (Loc.t * Annot.attributes * ctype * list (maybe Symbol.sym * ctype) * bool * bool);
loop_attributes: Annot.loop_attributes;
visible_objects_env: visible_objects_env;

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions frontend/model/core_linking.lem
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -281,10 +281,14 @@ val link_aux: forall 'a 'b. generic_file 'a 'b ->
generic_file 'a 'b ->
exceptM (generic_file 'a 'b) (Loc.t * cause)
let link_aux f1 f2 =
if f1.calling_convention <> f2.calling_convention then
link_fail Loc.unknown IncompatibleCallingConvention
link_extern f2.extern f1.extern >>= fun (extern, reduntant_globs) ->
link_main f1.main f2.main >>= fun main ->
<| main= main;
calling_convention= f1.calling_convention;
tagDefs= f1.tagDefs union f2.tagDefs;
stdlib= f1.stdlib;
impl= f1.impl;
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions frontend/model/core_run_aux.lem
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -693,6 +693,7 @@ let convert_file file =

main= file.main;
calling_convention= file.calling_convention;
tagDefs= file.tagDefs;
stdlib= convert_fun_map_decl file.stdlib;
impl= convert_impl_decl file.impl;
76 changes: 47 additions & 29 deletions frontend/model/core_typing.lem
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1630,9 +1630,21 @@ let rec collect_labels env (Expr _ expr_) =

(* val typecheck_expr: Loc.t -> typing_env -> core_base_type -> Core.expr unit -> E.eff (typed_expr unit) *)
and typecheck_expr tagDefs (env: typing_env) expected_bTy (Expr annot expr_) =
let typecheck_expr env expected_bTy expr = typecheck_expr tagDefs env expected_bTy expr in
and typecheck_expr callconv tagDefs (env: typing_env) expected_bTy (Expr annot expr_) =
let typecheck_expr env expected_bTy expr = typecheck_expr callconv tagDefs env expected_bTy expr in
let loc = Annot.get_loc_ annot in
let typecheck_ccall_argument =
match callconv with
| Normal_callconv ->
fun _ pe -> typecheck_export_pexpr tagDefs env (BTy_object OTy_pointer) pe
| Inner_arg_callconv ->
fun ty pe -> match Core_aux.core_object_type_of_ctype ty with
| Just oTy ->
typecheck_export_pexpr tagDefs env (BTy_loaded oTy) pe
| Nothing -> loc (CoreTyping_TODO "the first operand of ccall() has a C function type with a non object parameter type")
end in
Expr annot <$> match expr_ with
| Epure pe ->
Epure <$> typecheck_export_pexpr tagDefs env expected_bTy pe
@@ -1676,43 +1688,46 @@ and typecheck_expr tagDefs (env: typing_env) expected_bTy (Expr annot expr_) =
Eif <$> typecheck_export_pexpr tagDefs env BTy_boolean pe1
<*> typecheck_expr env expected_bTy e2
<*> typecheck_expr env expected_bTy e3
| Eccall annot pe_ty pe pes ->
infer_pexpr tagDefs env pe_ty >>= export_pexpr >>= fun pe_ty' ->
| Eccall annot ty_pe pe pes ->
infer_pexpr tagDefs env ty_pe >>= export_pexpr >>= fun ty_pe' ->
infer_pexpr tagDefs env pe >>= export_pexpr >>= fun (Pexpr _ bTy _ as pe') ->
match (pe_ty, bTy) with
| (Pexpr _ _ (PEval (Vctype (Cty.Ctype _ (Cty.Pointer _ (Cty.Ctype _ (Cty.Function (qs, ty) params isVariadic))))))
, BTy_loaded OTy_pointer) ->
match (ty_pe, bTy) with
| ( Pexpr _ _ (PEval (Vctype (Cty.Ctype _ (Cty.Pointer _ (Cty.Ctype _ (Cty.Function (qs, ty) params isVariadic))))))
, BTy_loaded OTy_pointer ) ->
if isVariadic then
match List.dest_init pes with
| Nothing -> loc (CoreTyping_TODO "ccall to a variadic C procedure must at least have a list of pointers as last argument")
| Just (first_pes, last_pe) ->
E.mapM (fun pe ->
typecheck_export_pexpr tagDefs env (BTy_object OTy_pointer) pe
) first_pes >>= fun first_pes' ->
| Just (xs, last_pe) ->
E.mapM (fun ((_, ty, _), pe) ->
typecheck_ccall_argument ty pe
) ( params pes) >>= fun pes' ->
typecheck_export_pexpr tagDefs env
(BTy_list (BTy_tuple [BTy_ctype; BTy_object OTy_pointer])) last_pe >>= fun last_pe' ->
E.return (first_pes' ++ [last_pe'])
E.return (pes' ++ [last_pe'])
if Global.has_switch Global.SW_inner_arg_temps then
E.mapM (fun ((_, ty, _), pe) ->
match Core_aux.core_object_type_of_ctype ty with
| Just oTy ->
typecheck_export_pexpr tagDefs env (BTy_loaded oTy) pe
| Nothing -> loc (CoreTyping_TODO "the first operand of ccall() has a C function type with a non object parameter type")
) ( params pes)
E.mapM (fun pe ->
typecheck_export_pexpr tagDefs env (BTy_object OTy_pointer) pe
) pes
E.mapM (fun ((_, ty, _), pe) -> typecheck_ccall_argument ty pe) ( params pes)
(* else match callconv with
| Normal_callconv ->
E.mapM (fun pe ->
typecheck_export_pexpr tagDefs env (BTy_object OTy_pointer) pe
) pes
| Inner_arg_callconv ->
E.mapM (fun ((_, ty, _), pe) ->
match Core_aux.core_object_type_of_ctype ty with
| Just oTy ->
typecheck_export_pexpr tagDefs env (BTy_loaded oTy) pe
| Nothing -> loc (CoreTyping_TODO "the first operand of ccall() has a C function type with a non object parameter type")
) ( params pes)
end *)
end >>= fun pes' ->
let ret_oTy_opt = Core_aux.core_object_type_of_ctype ty in
guard_match loc "ccall" expected_bTy (maybe BTy_unit BTy_loaded ret_oTy_opt) >>
E.return (Eccall annot pe_ty' pe' pes')
E.return (Eccall annot ty_pe' pe' pes')
| (_, _) -> loc (CoreTyping_TODO "the first operand of ccall() should have a C function type")
@@ -1819,6 +1834,8 @@ and typecheck_expr tagDefs (env: typing_env) expected_bTy (Expr annot expr_) =
(* TODO: add a check for the existence of main *)
val typecheck_program: forall 'bty 'a. Core.generic_file 'bty 'a -> Exception.exceptM (Core.typed_file 'a) Errors.error
let typecheck_program file =
let typecheck_expr env expected_bTy expr =
typecheck_expr file.calling_convention file.tagDefs env expected_bTy expr in
let aux =
(* The startup function/procedure must be defined *)
match file.main with
@@ -1866,7 +1883,7 @@ let typecheck_program file =
| Proc loc mrk bTy sym_bTys e ->
let env' = List.foldr (fun (sym, bTy) acc -> insert_tdecl (Sym sym) (TDsym bTy) acc) env sym_bTys in
collect_labels env' e >>= fun env' ->
Proc loc mrk bTy sym_bTys <$> typecheck_expr file.tagDefs env' bTy e
Proc loc mrk bTy sym_bTys <$> typecheck_expr env' bTy e
end) file.stdlib >>= fun stdlib' ->

(* Typechecking of the impl constants *)
@@ -1884,7 +1901,7 @@ let typecheck_program file =
match decl with
| GlobalDef (bTy, ct) e ->
collect_labels env_acc e >>= fun env_acc' ->
typecheck_expr file.tagDefs env_acc' bTy e >>= fun te ->
typecheck_expr env_acc' bTy e >>= fun te ->
E.return (insert_tdecl (Sym sym) (TDsym bTy) env_acc', (sym, GlobalDef (bTy, ct) te) :: acc)
| GlobalDecl (bTy, ct) ->
E.return (insert_tdecl (Sym sym) (TDsym bTy) env_acc, (sym, GlobalDecl (bTy, ct)) :: acc)
@@ -1919,11 +1936,12 @@ let typecheck_program file =
| Proc loc mrk bTy sym_bTys e ->
let env' = List.foldr (fun (sym, bTy) acc -> insert_tdecl (Sym sym) (TDsym bTy) acc) env sym_bTys in
collect_labels env' e >>= fun env' ->
Proc loc mrk bTy sym_bTys <$> typecheck_expr file.tagDefs env' bTy e
Proc loc mrk bTy sym_bTys <$> typecheck_expr env' bTy e
end) file.funs >>= fun funs' ->

E.return <|
main= file.main;
calling_convention = file.calling_convention;
tagDefs= file.tagDefs;
stdlib= stdlib';
impl= impl';
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions frontend/model/ctype.lem
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -381,6 +381,10 @@ val ptrdiff_t: ctype
let ptrdiff_t =
Ctype [] (Basic (Integer Ptrdiff_t))

val pointer_to_char: ctype
let pointer_to_char =
Ctype [] (Pointer no_qualifiers char)

import Global
val ptraddr_t: unit -> ctype
let ptraddr_t _ =

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