This repository belongs to different scenarios extracted from REMARO worlds
General and typical path to inspect different subsea infrustructures
The safer path (alternative solution) exists to inspect the last vertical tank
We also use population of small vertical tank to make scenario more realistic; position of this object is based on random distribution. We populated 10 times for each run.
Install Ubuntu 20 LTS.
Install ROS Noetic. Choose the "Desktop-Full Install" option so simulators are installed.
Once you have installed ros packages, the uuv_simulator can be installed by cloning the modified version of
repository here in your ros workspace.
# Make directory for your workspace
mkdir -p ~/yourworkspacename/src
# Change directory to your workspace
cd ~/yourworkspacename/src
# Clone this package
git clone
Clone BlueRov2 package
git clone
# Clone REMARO_AUV package
git clone
# Move to root of your workspace directory
cd ~/yourworkspacename
# Make the workspace
# Source your workspace in each terminal using this package.
source ~/yourworkspacename/devel/setup.bash
# If this is your only active ROS workspace,
# modify ~./bashrc to automatically source this workspace.
echo "source ~/yourworkspacename/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
You can simulate different plans, e.g.
# To launch the simulated world
chmod +x
# To launch the simulated world
roslaunch remaro_scenarios launch_remaro_scenario.launch
roslaunch remaro_scenarios send_dangerous_waypoints.launch
roslaunch remaro_scenarios launch_small_vertical_tank_inspection.launch
# To launch the simulated world
roslaunch remaro_scenarios launch_remaro_scenario.launch
roslaunch remaro_scenarios send_battery_waypoints.launch
roslaunch remaro_scenarios send_platform_waypoints.launch
roslaunch remaro_scenarios send_dangerous_waypoints.launch
roslaunch remaro_scenarios launch_small_vertical_tank_inspection.launch
# To launch the simulated world
roslaunch remaro_scenarios launch_remaro_scenario.launch
roslaunch remaro_scenarios send_battery_waypoints.launch
roslaunch remaro_scenarios send_back_init_waypoints.launch
roslaunch remaro_scenarios send_platform_waypoints.launch
roslaunch remaro_scenarios send_dangerous_waypoints.launch
roslaunch remaro_scenarios launch_small_vertical_tank_inspection.launch
# To run the simulated world
chmod +x
# To launch the simulated world
roslaunch remaro_scenarios launch_remaro_scenario.launch
roslaunch remaro_scenarios send_safe_waypoints.launch
roslaunch remaro_scenarios launch_small_vertical_tank_inspection.launch
# To launch the simulated world
roslaunch remaro_scenarios launch_remaro_scenario.launch
roslaunch remaro_scenarios send_battery_waypoints.launch
roslaunch remaro_scenarios send_back_init_waypoints.launch
roslaunch remaro_scenarios send_dangerous_waypoints.launch
roslaunch remaro_scenarios launch_small_vertical_tank_inspection.launch
In case you couldn't install requirements, there exist a few rosbags and csv files for positions of robot and objects' location.
If you would like to record specific rostopics, see follows instruction
rosbag record bagfile.bag /rostopic-you-would-like
If you would like generate new waypoints, you can run below python program:
cd src
If you would like to know whether there exist any collisions, open 3 TABs and follow below commands.
- TAB1
- TAB2 (play rosbag)
rosbag play danger_2024-03-09-11-40-23.bag
- TAB3
roscd remaro_scenarios
cd src
- or TAB3
roscd remaro_scenarios
cd src
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 956200.
Pleave visit our website for more info on our project.